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Is There A Possibily That Apex Content Might Be Added To The Altis Server?

Stord, Norway
As the Marksmen, Helicopter and Karts DLC is already added to the Altis Server, I do not see a problem with adding at least a few of the things from the Apex update as well. I understand that the VTOLS might be a little overkill, but the civilian plane would fit right in. A little more weapon variety is also pretty exciting and more clothing is also welcomed. 

Already in the next big update... This has been suggested many times and its still the same answer 😜

Already in the next big update... This has been suggested many times and its still the same answer 
any timeframe?

Well its done... but it has a few bugs and tweaks still needed, I would say the map is holding it up.. and compared to whats in this update all the tanoa life fixes and improvements plus hundreds of pushes over the last 2 months on this build alone the map is a small thing, but none the less needs to be done.

I would say map wise I really hope to be finished by the weekend, its then TBJ's call when were ready to go :)

Well its done... but it has a few bugs and tweaks still needed, I would say the map is holding it up.. and compared to whats in this update all the tanoa life fixes and improvements plus hundreds of pushes over the last 2 months on this build alone the map is a small thing, but none the less needs to be done.

I would say map wise I really hope to be finished by the weekend, its then TBJ's call when were ready to go :)
What is there to be expected in the upcoming update aside from map changes and Apex content? Any new/cool features?

You just set the expectations very high , dont let is down :)
I don't even get this comment Hoggie. Honestly these flame posts all add up and I've had enough of it now. YOU have let ME down. I warned you. 

Well your expectations and others are very different... I get excited by an NPC wearing a different hat and having a funny name while you may not (not saying thats done... just pointing out expectation differences)

So expect nothing and see how you feel on release :)

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You just set the expectations very high , dont let is down :)

Personally, I think RPUK is very realistic with expectations. I don't think for a minute, anyone is letting anyone down at all and nor have they or will they.

We're like a fine wine here - it get's better with age and age can't be rushed. Have patience my young padawan and less of the 'don't let us down'. 

Now, go forth and roleplay - "don't let us down" ;-)

I don't even get this comment Hoggie. Honestly these flame posts all add up and I've had enough of it now. YOU have let ME down. I warned you. 
What are you even on about mate '' i have had enough off it , you have let me down"????? 

I really don't think you read my post properly. If you look again you will clearly see i put '' Dont let us down :)"  . The '':)" clearly shows that i am joking. I could call someone on the forums a cunt , but if i went say (name) is a trigger happy cunt , then clearly i am joking. The ":)" is kind of a big give away that its a joke , so i don't see the problem.

''I don't even get this comment Hoggie. Honestly these flame posts all add up and I've had enough of it now. ''

I do not create flame posts, i dont even see how you get this idea. A flame post would be me saying that ''admins are corrupt'' etc etc etc. If you even look at my profile , i do not create posts on the forums. You really think i am going too shit post and risk getting banned when i have been part of this community for 512. I mean i have dedicated well over 3000 hours too this community. I could go on and on , but this is pretty pointless trying too explain too you , as you clearly think im only here too cause shit.


Personally, I think RPUK is very realistic with expectations. I don't think for a minute, anyone is letting anyone down at all and nor have they or will they.

We're like a fine wine here - it get's better with age and age can't be rushed. Have patience my young padawan and less of the 'don't let us down'. 

Now, go forth and roleplay - "don't let us down" ;-)
I have heard about a new update since May 2015 when i joined. Trust me mate , im very patient. The '' You have set expectations very high , dont let us down'' , was clearly a joke of me expressing that i am very happy for a new update. I have been in this community 17 months now , i mean its pretty clear i am joking. I never said anything about expectations or anything i purely said it as a joke why i was getting ready for work.

I have spoken too people like TinyBigJ and he has said some of the new things coming too the server which i am very much looking forward too seeing.

- Hoggie
