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Is there a bountyhunter "job" ?

I asked on the OOC chat if there is a bountyhunter job and they said no, but I read on a begginers guide on this forum that there is one. on the bottom

There used to be a bounty hunter job but it was removed a while back. Don't know exactly but I think they removed it because it was very weird and meta game heavy. If you want to be a bounty hunter you can always roleplay it out however!

That guide was created on June of 2016, unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately) there isn't currently an official bounty hunter job. It was removed due to the massive amounts of meta-gaming it created. That doesn't mean that you couldn't perhaps try to observe people committing illegal acts and apprehending them in order to turn them over to the police.

There's a slightly more up-to-date guide made here, 

That video does feature the UNMC however who we no longer have here. (as we have the Poseidon cartel in their place)

Hope that helps!

i bought the bounty hunter license the day before it got removed. thats 2 mil i will never see again... 
