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is my setup bad?


hellos guys i shall start with my specs,

msi 970 gaming motherboard

fx 8350 black (8 cores, 4ghz stock) cooled by corsair h100

8gb hyperx ram

1070 amp extreme edition

no ssd all on harddrive :(

when playing altis life i usually sit at like 20-40 fps, but in kavala it can drop as low as 10 fps some times D: which as you should know makes me want to throw my pc out of the window and crawl into a whole and live there. just want to ask anyone know a possible reason why i hav esuch low fps?

i am thinking of upgrading my pc (i5 6600k, asus z170, 16gb ram) but i have no $$$ at the moment :( so they just dreams atm sadly. any one have a i5 6600k + 1070? wat sort of fps you get?

thanks for any replies :)

Arma 3 is first and foremost a CPU based game. I have very little knowledge about AMD CPU, so I cannot help you much there. But, if you lag in Arma 3 i would say that the CPU takes the blame. Your GPU/VRAM/RAM should be perfectly capable of running Arma 3 at around 60fps outside cities, maybe a bit less. 

If you DO upgrade your CPU, you would ofcourse need to change MB. Be sure to store the box Windows came in, sometimes the license does not get automatically deactivated, which would result in you have to call in to Windows to reset it for you (This rarely happens, but it does happen sometimes). This is because the license gets registered to the MB it was used on. 

As Above, Arma is primarily a CPU intensive game, and is not-well optomised for multi-core multi-threading, so more cores != more performance. Most Intel i5/i7 CPUs will have better Single-Threaded Performance which is what Arma craves most. Couple that with no SSD and you're introducing some additional processing latency.

You could try turning on Kavala mode in settings if it's still a thing, that might give you bit of an FPS boost until such a time as you deicded to make some upgrades.

Edit: For the record I have an i7 4790k + GTX 980Ti, I get 45-50FPS in the town and 60 elsewhere.

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As Above, Arma is primarily a CPU intensive game, and is not-well optomised for multi-core multi-threading, so more cores != more performance. Most Intel i5/i7 CPUs will have better Single-Threaded Performance which is what Arma craves most. Couple that with no SSD and you're introducing some additional processing latency.

You could try turning on Kavala mode in settings if it's still a thing, that might give you bit of an FPS boost until such a time as you deicded to make some upgrades.
what do you mean by kavala mode?

what do you mean by kavala mode?
It's been a long time since I've looked at it, but in game press 5 or 6 or one of the numbers around there and you should see a 'Settings' window pop up. Enable 'Kavala Mode' and you might get a performance boost.

what do you mean by kavala mode?
When In-Game, press Y (I think, long time ago), go to settings and turn Kavala Mode on. This disables the grass/unessential objects.

The last few days have been laggy, but I gotta say Im running the same cpu with the elite edition of the 970 with the gold everything, when im on arma in the parametres ive dedicated 4 cores to arma, and I am in Canada and I experience very little latency or issues with frame drops when not in kavala on high traffic days with settings up high. I run my os off of my ssd, but arma and other games are on my wd red hdd so that may be part of it as the hdd is only being hit when im loading the game or for in game stuff, not also the window processes. 

Your GPU HEAVILY outweighs your CPU. Your CPU is not a very good one. You should invest in a new motherboard and one of the new skylake processors, 6600K or 6700K. Always buy a K processor as you can safely overclock them with a cheap watercooling-solution.

When buying a motherboard, be sure that it has a LGA1151 Socket. Or the CPU simply wont fit on it.

And with the new motherboard you can slap 16+gb of DDR4 in there, And youll be sitting happily on 60+ FPS.


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