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Is everyone out to get you?


Hi everyone.

I have played a fair few hours in this game, I have been robbed of every penny i have, tricked by some people at the salt mine saying g they would help me, they stole my salt and left me restrained at the processing place with no way home, chased down and shot when i was trying to transport oil.

The only decent people I have met are 2 very friendly medics who helped me out with money.

Are there any decent players that want to team up? Safety in numbers right?

How do I become a police officer and bring these bad guys to justice?

Hi everyone.

I have played a fair few hours in this game, I have been robbed of every penny i have, tricked by some people at the salt mine saying g they would help me, they stole my salt and left me restrained at the processing place with no way home, chased down and shot when i was trying to transport oil.

The only decent people I have met are 2 very friendly medics who helped me out with money.

Are there any decent players that want to team up? Safety in numbers right?

How do I become a police officer and bring these bad guys to justice?
There is plenty of people out there, head to the gang section and look for a potential gang, they might be able to help you.

and yes you are better off with friends than alone.

If you decide to go to the police, do not expect to be accepted if you only apply because you get tired of being robbed.

Best of luck out there!

There are some extremely friendly people in Kavala, I find, who just want to roleplay and have fun. 

If you wish to join a group of organised players you can put in an application to any of the gangs on this page: http://www.altislife.co.uk/forum/68-rebels-gangs/

You can also sign up to the police force, but you need to be at least 16 years of age. You can fill out an application here: http://www.altislife.co.uk/forms/5-altis-police-application/

Should you need any help in-game or on the forums or teamspeak please feel free to message me, I'm a member of the Frontline team and I'm here to help!

Best of luck.

- Washington 

Adding to what @Agent Washingtonhas said regarding young recruits, if you click Here then you will see the process of applying to the Altis Police Department even if you are underage (16).

There are friendly groups and players out there, just relatively rare compared with the criminals! It may not always seem like it, but the police are here to help YOU as a civilian too!

If you find yourself struggling, then you have the right idea by 'safety in numbers', just as long as you know how to use a gun and roleplay out of situations peacefully! Goodluck.

Hi everyone.

I have played a fair few hours in this game, I have been robbed of every penny i have, tricked by some people at the salt mine saying g they would help me, they stole my salt and left me restrained at the processing place with no way home, chased down and shot when i was trying to transport oil.

The only decent people I have met are 2 very friendly medics who helped me out with money.

Are there any decent players that want to team up? Safety in numbers right?

How do I become a police officer and bring these bad guys to justice?
Hey man, I feel your pain really, I do! (Link)  

It's great to aim high at the start, but doing any long solo runs is always going to have some risk. Weirldy, the safest stuff is the mid-range ones, As the petty robbers tend to target the newbie areas (Kavala clothing shop, Car/Truck shop, Copper buyer, multi factory etc.) as it will be easy pickings - Chances are most people at these places have not been out of Kavala and gotten any weapons yet.  The more experienced guys are more likely to rob the high end stuff and drugs.  

Aim to get the cheapest chopper (225k) then do Rock, Sand or Salt runs. I'm not saying they are safe but you at least can scout the area before landing.

Only carry what you need - Just a pickaxe. If you need to buy a licence (Which you will for every 1st time processing) Check how much it is 1st and only bring that amount, and hustle to buy it. If you are not willing to risk death, don't bother with a gun.  It will get robbed off you, or taken from your cold dead hands, and as such will be a waste of money.

You can always use the RolePlay as a weapon. When surrendered, Perhaps offer them a deal. You keep running you product and Message them before you head to the buy or plant. They secure the area and you give them xx% of the sale. Maybe use that to get into their gang, and then you have a solid group to help you out.

Always lock your car.

If your intention is to become a police officer just for vengeance then you are looking at it all wrong. Bear in mind from an RP perspective, you have NO IDEA who those people are, unless they say their names or group names. You'd be better finding a group of vigilantes or another gang if vengeance is what you seek.

Man, Best bets are either get some buddys on the server or join a gang, either of these people will have your back through out the game, some people that offer help may be okay and may be serious about helping you however others will betray you after doing all your hard earned mining and steal all your goods.​

Could you explain what happend to you ? i may be able to give you some tips on what to do about these things and what you can do to prevent it happening in future :)


SPC Billy​
Oh I do love a good oldfashioned RP robbery. All this get ya hands on your head bollocks is getting a tad boring at times.

Man, Best bets are either get some buddys on the server or join a gang, either of these people will have your back through out the game, some people that offer help may be okay and may be serious about helping you however others will betray you after doing all your hard earned mining and steal all your goods.​

Could you explain what happend to you ? i may be able to give you some tips on what to do about these things and what you can do to prevent it happening in future :)


SPC Billy​
Billy you make me laugh bruv .

P.S. We didn't leave you restrained, just with a broken wheel and no kit. You weren't born with legs not to use them sometimes ;).

Man, Best bets are either get some buddys on the server or join a gang, either of these people will have your back through out the game, some people that offer help may be okay and may be serious about helping you however others will betray you after doing all your hard earned mining and steal all your goods.​

Could you explain what happend to you ? i may be able to give you some tips on what to do about these things and what you can do to prevent it happening in future :)


SPC Billy​
I have been trying to do Salt or oil runs,

Every time something goes wrong.

On my last Salt run i see a chopper and 2 very big trucks, i park my lorry up and think i have nothing to lose by getting salt while they are there. Two guys come over and start talking to me ( they seem friendly ), i say how I am just trying to make some cash but i keep on getting robbed, they agree that it is tough and ask if I would like to join their convoy, i agree so we head to the processing place.

I only had 9k and no licence so ask if I could borrow the cash, one guy saI'd they don't have the money & would do it for me. 

They ask me to wait in the truck so i dont get shot.

After they finish they turn and take my gun, restrain me and damage my truck, leaving with my salt and my gear.

Now that was alot more fun and we'll thought out than just killing me so I didn't mind too much.

Oh I do love a good oldfashioned RP robbery. All this get ya hands on your head bollocks is getting a tad boring at times.

Billy you make me laugh bruv

P.S. We didn't leave you restrained, just with a broken wheel and no kit. You weren't born with legs not to use them sometimes ;).
Fair play it was alot more fun being mugged off that way! at least I had a little hope of getting somewhere this time before it got taken away from me.

I knew something was up when you guys made me sit in the truck, didn't have a chance though 

I have been trying to do Salt or oil runs,

Every time something goes wrong.

On my last Salt run i see a chopper and 2 very big trucks, i park my lorry up and think i have nothing to lose by getting salt while they are there. Two guys come over and start talking to me ( they seem friendly ), i say how I am just trying to make some cash but i keep on getting robbed, they agree that it is tough and ask if I would like to join their convoy, i agree so we head to the processing place.

I only had 9k and no licence so ask if I could borrow the cash, one guy saI'd they don't have the money & would do it for me. 

They ask me to wait in the truck so i dont get shot.

After they finish they turn and take my gun, restrain me and damage my truck, leaving with my salt and my gear.

Now that was alot more fun and we'll thought out than just killing me so I didn't mind too much.
I like to think of myself as more of a social engineer than a thug. From the moment you pulled I planned to rob you but I'm all about some good RP so did have a chance, depending on how you played it. A lot of people just outright rob the hobos, its rare that I do at all but I like to do it more fancy then usual if I do. Hopefully it will introduce you into some high quality roleplay and I hope ARAC came and got you.

Also if you add me on steam when I'm online tomorrow ill chuck you the 50k or so we took and maybe you can do a few full size runs with the big boy vehicles.

Have a good night pal hopefully ill see more of you.

P.S. Excuse my miss types etc, on my phone atm.

I like to think of myself as more of a social engineer than a thug. From the moment you pulled I planned to rob you but I'm all about some good RP so did have a chance, depending on how you played it. A lot of people just outright rob the hobos, its rare that I do at all but I like to do it more fancy then usual if I do. Hopefully it will introduce you into some high quality roleplay and I hope ARAC came and got you.

Also if you add me on steam when I'm online tomorrow ill chuck you the 50k or so we took and maybe you can do a few full size runs with the big boy vehicles.

Have a good night pal hopefully ill see more of you.

P.S. Excuse my miss types etc, on my phone atm.
At first i thought i had found some luck at last but how wrong was i?.

The ARAC did not come and get me so I smashed up my PC
. That tipped me over the edge mate!

I will send you an add tomorrow and hopefully catch up with you in game.

Well played though, well played

I heard the Lords of Valhalla are fantastic at protecting their own!

No idea where I heard it though. 
