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Inventory Full

Robin A

It's a pretty simple suggestion, when your inventory is full anything you harvest, such as ores or fruit, will go onto the floor below instead of just vanishing. 

Pros: easier to harvest materials, less time spent messing about in inventory 
Cons: dev work

Actually a nice QoL change, considering my inventory is laggy I will be bias and +1 it lol 

+1 Would be really nice to see good QOL

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I like this idea for gathering especially mining so any extra you get goes on the floor instead of vanishing and getting the message that your inventory is full.


It could be a nice change, stop me forgetting to empty my pocket and hitting all the spins to find I can't get them, but would need to make sure it can't be abused

+1 on this idea!

Does seem realistic that if you cant carry anything it would just drop on the floor, allowing you to remove items from your inventory and replace it with said item. 
