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Interacting With Other Players to Initiate a Scenario

SPC Rick Mason

Active member
Istanbul & NYC

I am fairly new to the server, and I have to say it looks fantastic and much better than the other altis life servers. I went through all the rules in detail but I am slightly confused about initiating a scenario/role play with other players. Can I just simply interact them through the side chat by saying "put your hands up" for instance? Or does it have to be through direct communication?

Thanks in advance!

Hello redbaron,

You cannot RP through typing. This is a bannable offence on server one. However you can initiate RP/scenario by just talking to people.
You can use direct communication to RP/talk with people in your surrounding area. Let your mind lead you and just have normal conversations with people. 

Side chat is mostly used for new players to ask questions (not RP).
Dont TALK in side chat only type! Talking in side chat is bannable aswell and very annoying for the rest. 

I hope i helped you and if you have other questions you can hop in our Teamspeak and come in the welcome center. Here we will help you out and get you started. 

Mentor Levi,

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Hello redbaron,

You cannot RP through typing. This is a bannable offence on server one. However you can initiate RP/scenario by just talking to people.

You can use direct communication to RP/talk with people in your surrounding area. Let your mind lead you and just have normal conversations with people. 

Side chat is mostly used for new players to ask questions (not RP).

Dont TALK in side chat only type! Talking in side chat is bannable aswell and very annoying for the rest. 

I hope i helped you and if you have other questions you can hop in our Teamspeak and come in the welcome center. Here we will help you out and get you started. 

Mentor Levi,
Thanks for the quick and thorough response Levi! I was just curious because this rule tends to change from server to server and I want to be very careful not to break any rules as I see that this is a great community  :)  I enjoy RP at all times and not one of those guys camping apple farmers to ruin the experience for them. I will join Team Speak next time I log in to the server, thanks again!
