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Insta banned for false accusations of VDM


I just got banned for 'VDM - Sofia - No RP' and I think its completely unjustified. I was driving in my ifrift when the police began to chase us but they soon stopped, pulled out their guns but I managed to escape before they shot at me, I then turned around and went back through Sofia to pick up Rummy on the way when I saw the police at the atm who were arresting a fellow rebel 'Coueast' who I quote said 'Them guys will come to fuck you up' upon hearing this I said in direct chat 'I'm coming' I then looped round the back beeping my horn and then said in direct chat to the police 'Feel the pinch boys' as I came round the corner and hit the police car that moved and hit the two officers at which point I told the arrested rebel to get in but he was in cuffs. There were two witnesses to this Rummy (watching at a distance) and Coueast (the arrested rebel). The two officers knew I was coming and simply didn't like the fact that one un-armed rebel killed them both screaming to the admin that I vdm'd them that got me instantly banned not letting me explain my side of the story.

So basically it wasn't VDM as they knew where I was and my intentions, If it turns out that I was in fact in the wrong then I will apologize and avoid situations like this in the future.

It's my understanding that killing someone using a vehicle deliberately is against the rules in any situation. Doesn't even matter if someone is shooting at you, or if you've announced it beforehand.

I've read through the rules and can't find where it states that Mycaelis, if it does however then I'm clearly in the wrong

I made the ban, and caught at least some of the events during and after. I'm being told that there was a significant delay in between your first encounter, and your second one - and possibly even that the cops might have been a different set, but I don't actually believe that tbh. They certainly were NOT prepared to be rammed by your ifrit, though, that's for sure.

What's more of a problem is that it's totally OP to just high-speed vehicle-ram someone standing out in the open, and nobody outside will even hear you, even if you yell from direct chat as you approach. Try it sometime - you'll see how little chance you actually have to even hear it, let alone respond. Also, if you take into account that the officers were busy dealing with a restrainment/arrest situation, you've basically just 'powergamed' your way straight to hell - and a ban.

Putting the boot on the other foot for a moment, what would your reaction have been if you'd been on the receiving end of a police hunter in the same situation? I guarantee you would've cried 'vehicle deathmatch' and not 'it's a fair cop guvnor, my flattened entrails will come quietly! You have me bang to rights and no mistake..." ;)

In a nutshell - you should've used a classier method to exact revenge... Basically, you've VDMed, albeit with a justification in your own mind in terms of the RP you'd decided in your head - trouble was, nobody else was in on the plot, and had no chance to actually react or RP it.

I'll wait to hear your response before deciding what to do...


Thanks for the reply Jacko,

I may not have made it entirely clear, I was parked behind them about 15 in game meters when I said 'feel the pinch' before setting off at them. The only way I could of helped the other rebel was with my vehicle as I had no guns on me and used my vehicle to my advantage, at the end of the day my rp is to be a rebel and its the only thing I have against them as the police are so OP. I completely agree with your second paragraph but I still wouldn't of got them insta banned rather just seek an apology and educate them on what they should of done, also Rummy knew exactly what my plan was and Coueast probably had a good idea of what was about to happen. 

I understand where you're coming from but you need to understand where I am coming from as I played the cards I had and didn't know using a car as a weapon is a bannable offence. 

Using a vehicle is not *necessarily* always an insta-ban offence. It's all in the style and grace with which it is RPed and used to commit murder! You showed rather little, tbh.

You didn't wait for any confirmatory response that indicated they had heard your direct-chat 'call' - and they may well have been 'in-menu' dealing with the restrained perp, so would've needed extra time to even be able to respond (cop-menus lock out VON while they are displayed).

As for your rationale: "I didn't have guns, police are OP, only my vehicle could've helped' - I get where you're coming from, but tbh, it's a bit lame. The cops aren't THAT OP (esp. if you have your rifle, and RP with them properly) - and you simply CHOSE to fall back to the vehicle DM because you wanted to hit back now-now-now. A better strategy would've been to bide your time, get tooled up, and force a standoff with those cops, either face to face, on foot, or from cover, but in range to speak to them (and confirm they were able to RP back).

Playing the cards you had would normally be ok, but there are times when playing those cards in an illegal VDM way just doesn't cut it. If you were in a toe-to-toe vehicle chase across hill and dale, then a certain amount of RP is established (usually in the run-up to that situation), and an inevitable vehicle accident or ram is not unheard of, nor would it be grounds for instaban.

But squishing a couple of cops engaged at an incident in the middle of the pavement, most certainly is.

I need to know that you understand that, and have FULLY taken on board my comments, before I respond further.

I have taken on board what you're saying and I agree with you, I will try to rp more in future but I wanted to get Coueast out then not after he had been arrested and taken away. I didn't have time to get gear from a rebel outpost so did what I could. 

Hmm.... "try to RP" - ok... but then you say "wanted... out then, not after...", "didn't have time to get gear"... which makes me think you'd do exactly the same thing again, if the dice rolled the same way...

Not convinced, sorry. It's not quite the contrite apology and clear-cut "will never happen again" that I was looking for.

On that basis, then, consider this a final warning. There will be no further chances. Next ban will remain firm, okay? Unbanned just as soon as I can get the damned server started up properly tonight! LOL

Found you at last! Unbanned. Remember the deal...

Have you just tried again to log in and been kicked? If so, my apologies... the banlist probably hasn't reloaded yet. The list itself has been changed, but it will continue to kick you until BattlEye has refreshed the list in memory (usually at Server restart time, every four hours, or if I do it manually and it works! Which isn't always).

I've tried to refresh it once - so try and log in again... we're having one or two issue with BattlEye at the moment...
