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Ingram and East Law Group

Katelyn West

Elite Donator
United Kingdom

Got some great upcoming cases keep your eyes pealed! We are so happy with our new company and will happily represent you ❤️

End of day 2 and taking the trash out!


What a great 2nd day for our Law Group! 3 clients! 2 court cases and our first contract!

Today i learnt something new and wasent the best day but grateful to our judges and fellow solicitors in the city for their impartial advice and guidance throughout!

Looking forward to all new cases we will take on 🙂 

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Day 3 at the Law Group!

Today saw us firing an employee which was very unfortunate, but we gained new contracts as a law group!

We hired a new legal Director Tommy Creed to work alongside us partners Ronald Ingram & Harriot East 

2 New contracts gained, represented clients and achieved great results doing our part for the city!

Its great seeing more clients approaching us and wanting us to represent them, we do dig and we do our upmost best for our clients!

Already we have spend around 14 hours in the cells, representing over 32 clients with our amazing team.

We look forward to our 4th Day

(This is the end of the days paperwork we do, to calculate our Law Groups income, Look over the days cases and build cases for our clients, work never stops and we are dedicated to our jobs! Special thanks to the judges for all their hard work also!)

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