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InFusion stealing Medic's SUV

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Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): [A.T.W.A] InFusion (as shown in video)
Time & Date this happened: 22:30 GMT - 25/11/14
Description of what happened: Guy rolls up in a medic suv and basically admits to stealing it
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: Yes alot of us tried to tell him in-game, but he didn't seem to care.
Please post video evidence/screenshots here

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Another man (goldilocks - something like that) came over a few minutes later with another medical vehicle claiming that he had two in his garage, saying that they just appeared in there. 

The man in this video said the same thing. 

might be a bug or maybe they are just trying to get out of trouble. 

ATWA not responsible for this situation. InFusion is an old member of ATWA also he was senior member for once but he left the group. Also he formed up another clan in different community. But I don't know why he did that? 

A week ago we are made an offer to him for re-join the ATWA again but he is kindly refused. But I will contact with him and I'm gonna tell him stop his stupid behaviors. 

Again, I'm sorry about the situation. Not for his name only because he is carrying ATWA tag on his nickname. Offically ATWA has 4 members in core. And you can also check out who are they in our


Dragonfly - Leader of ATWA

There is currently a bug that allows people to have the NHS skin in their garage, without knowing the owner of the vehicle it's hard to tell.

Alright, I didnt know of this bug so I am sorry for the report. Can an Admin or Moderator lock this topic please? Thanks.

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