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Im Very Sad

James Blezard

Quality RDMer
So I know this is not particularly what this forum section is for but im begging you to donate James Blezard money as he has just lost 10mil and only has 41k

Hey I have an idea - why don't you do what everyone else does and invest time into making money on your own accord?

I will gladly donate to this hobo, please be more respectful @LukeN Nord - I'm sure you wouldn't be happy if someone said that to you and you were living on the streets, living day to day

Then make a comp request 'mate'
My video folder got full like 5 minutes before so I can't, Also why you doing 'mate' no need to be a dick

I will gladly donate to this hobo, please be more respectful @LukeN Nord - I'm sure you wouldn't be happy if someone said that to you and you were living on the streets, living day to day
Thank you very much for the kind words Ant, call me a hobo any time as long as the conversation ends in you giving me one Great British Pound Sterling in-game

@James Blezard it's worth the try to get comp. if you have money graph proof and they can't see can't see any new vehicles then you may get lucky. 

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no need for the hate in this room, make peace not war, unless you attempt to take one of the UNMC soldiers in which case you will be tortured

p.s ill send what I can spare @James Blezard

I will gladly donate to this hobo, please be more respectful @LukeN Nord - I'm sure you wouldn't be happy if someone said that to you and you were living on the streets, living day to day
I'm not his mate... I apologise if this came off to you as rude?

Whats with the rudeness.  James is well known in this community 'mate', think before you post. 
I thought very hard before I posted, I corrected 2 spelling mistakes! :D

Whats with the rudeness.  James is well known in this community 'mate', think before you post. 
So if one is not "well known in this community" we can be rude ^^?
Or can one not speak his mind when someone is know to the community..  damn elites haha

Comp request is always the way to go, and just start doing some uncut diamond runs, should get you some pretty quick cash.

So if one is not "well known in this community" we can be rude ^^?
Or can one not speak his mind when someone is know to the community..  damn elites haha

Comp request is always the way to go, and just start doing some uncut diamond runs, should get you some pretty quick cash.
Ideally nobody would be rude in general , But the OP was insinuating that James was just being lazy. When myself and others in the community have seen him invest time and effort into it. 
