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Im just looking for a gang to join

Cj Collings

Active member
United Kingdom
I'm Looking for a gang to join because I wanna make friends and enjoy the time with people and get to know people and have fun on the server.

the things I can bring to a gang.

1 I have a huron so if anyone wants to grind for cash then Ima gonna grind with them. ps I tried to be funny then I didn't got to plan

2 I'm quite funny so if you looking for a laugh then I'm right here baby.

3 I'm a good pair of helpful hands so if your on the floor screaming in pain then I will just most likely scream with ya.

4 I'm a very good friend to people I like to help as many people as I can.

5 I have a great sense if humor well I think.

that's about it just looking for some mates to play with if anyone will let me join there clan thanks for reading.
