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Im done!


Well-known member
Kavala Pub
3  mill i have lost to a moron cop! i was just jailed for throwing a F***** glow stick to see!!! Im not paying out for another rebel license this happens again and im finding a new server to play. im not having this

From what I understand there were also 12 people restrained in Kavala square not long ago. The cops are out of control right now.


How can you lose 3 millions, by going to jail ?

A rebel license only cost you 500k ?? :p

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Last night was ridiculous there was rdm/vdm galore and no one was doing a thing about it. :wacko:

I started with over 750k and finished with over a 100k less which isn't a lot by any means, but that money was spent having to constantly rekit myself every 5 f*&%ing minutes. :(

I couldn't get anything done and requests to the admin went unheard.

Very frustrating night. :angry:   Also as mentioned by TheMightyFoz the police were useless just tazing and cuffing people randomly, admittedly they were getting trolled a bit but if you can handle it take off the uniform!!!  :p

Were the cops trainees? Asdrubael has resigned from chief of police and now the police force has no hierarchy, but still I see new applicants idling the teamspeak day by day. (When they get accepted on the forums seems like they can join the whitelisted cops without prior knowledge to how the police system works on this server.)

My suggestion to Wilco is to postpone any new additional trainees, set up a meeting on ts3 within your Police force, and work out a training method, gather up suggestions and come up with a network where you can utilise your police force without harming others. After all your server does advertise the fact that you have the best trained police force on altis life... cough cough

Police Officers/Assistant grouping up with trainees (This is what I use to do when I was in the police force, group up with a newly formed trainee and show him the ropes.) Lately it doesn't look like this is happening.

And you might want to revise the police force in much more depth, coming from prior background and being active on the ts3 server your dispatch channel has not been online since a month ago and even back then It came online for very little use. Seems like a change of system needs to be done, In which a meeting with your police force would give you suggestions and Ideas to rework your police department.

Thats my 2 cents.


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Yea, denzel, wilco spoke to pretty much the whole cop force yesterday about a ton of changes and ways foward etc... The cops should soon be up and running very nicely!

Glad to see its going somewhere, lets just face it the system we have now just doesn't work...

The situation in Kavala last night was not ideal. There was one officer in Kavala with two trainees when I arrived. There were damaged vehicles everywhere and I was shot at pretty much as soon as I arrived.

Once the shooters were dealt with, there was a mass of people trolling at the car shop. Anyone who gave verbal abuse or was trolling was restrained as we tried to clear the area. This is due to the fundemental server rules of 'no trolling.' I'm confident that the vast majority of people restrained and subsequently arrested were guilty of trolling, something that can result in a server ban. The decision to jail people was made in an effort to clear the chaos from Kavala, and this did in fact work.

There were nearly 10 people banned last night due to RDM, VDM and trolling.

The simple solution to people complaining about being arrested etc in these situations is pretty simple; if you see a massive troll going on, stay away from it and don't get involved. When there are four police officers and 20+ people trolling, it is very hard for the police to differenciate between who is and isn't trolling.

The police are not out of control at all, four officers managed to clear Kavala of that mess last night, and I stand by the decision that was made to arrest people. It cleared the area and allowed us to stop the shooters and collect their weapons.

Like I said, people were banned last night and I think this is a good step towards stopping these situations from happening again. You can't troll on this server, it is a bannable offence. Same goes with RDM, VDM, un-declared rebel attacks etc. If you see these kinds of things going on, report them and then stay away from the situation.

Finally, if I remember correctly, the man who complained about being jailed for 'throwing a glow stick' last night and on this post was actually guilty of shooting police officers, so no, you weren't jailed for 'throwing a glow stick.'

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@LewisUK I guess its never easy, when one in the 'top' leaves.

But I'm sure you can handle it, your RP police seems so professionally compared to other RP servers.

@Major_Cj Sounds like some heavy duty work, where going on that night. :)

From what I can understand the police where under a lot of pressure, and did everything in their power trying not to let the situation escalate.

From my point of view, it sounds like some nice police work, keep it up blue (smurf) friends. :D

If you absolutely must be in Kavala, be hidden and be quick. People should know by now? Its not safe there for anybody. Not that this fixes anything but until police or w/e issues have been solved, Its a start. Throwing chem lights around is just tempting fate surely? ;)

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