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Im banned for robbing someone (Denied)

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Hi there,

Sorry for delay in response, work commitments. Heres my response in reference to...

Yes i'm aware this is a role playing server, I have been playing this server for some time. I have read the rules and I abide by them and play the game. I like the unusual touches gained by having such a serious approach to role playing the game. 

However as previously mentioned i was parked up watching a character for some time, I drove past him twice jumped out the car and cracked him with my gun and took his money, as I needed cash. I still don't understand what I did wrong. I accept i maybe should have said "Im robbing you" but if this is a role playing server.... if you were robbing someone in real life would you tell them? or just crack them with your gun and run off just as I did?

What also confuses me is the fact that many others have done similar to me, including randomly killing me, arresting me for absolutely no reason and so on. Did they get banned also? No... it does seem a little extreme in instantly banning me. Especially as all i gained was a few £1000 from the robbery in the first place, i never killed him, I said thanks when i took the money and ran away... So I don't see why this isn't a in game police matter rather than a server ban issue?

Rather than the usual crap of "This is a role playing game" or "have you read our rules" etc,please note I'm an well aged adult not a child. So I don't appreciate being spoken to like one. If you could just advise why I was banned, or grant me access again to continue playing the server it would be appreciated.

You were banned for your lack of roleplay when you robbed him. All inititation of robbery/killing/arrest need to be started by some form of roleplay as it just looks like a random act by a silent troll.

Even though you are a "well aged adult" we treat everyone exactly the same so you will appreciate our attitude towards those who break our strict rules.

If you have seen any incident of rule breakers please use our handy report a player section for them to get the exact same treatment as everyone else as the admins cannot be around to witness everything.

I will hold out resolving this until I am sure you understand everything and are happy with our response.

Right thanks for clearing that up, I was not aware this covered the same for robbing people. But fair do's if thats the rules thats the rules and I apologise for my misunderstanding. Is there any way we can resolve this so I can return to the server?

And I appreciate its frustrating for admins managing this site. However its just frustrating to see the same responses from people. Im not a troll, and I'm not a child "wanting to play GTA" i have fun on this server and enjoy the role playing aspect, I have read the rules etc etc. Some common courtesy and manners can get everyone far in life, and cost nothing.

I hope we can come to some kind of resolution to this.

Put your player ID here to enable us to process the unban.

Unable to keep appeals open this long.

If you do return please open a new appeal linking this one and provide any information required above.

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