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Im back | Zotlex

☬ ☜═ Zotlex ═☞ ☬

Well-known member

After a long time away from this awesome community I´m back out on the streets again. I got release from the prission for a week ago now, and have been staying home with my childerens in agios. But know I need to get the business going again so I can earn money to my family :) 

See you out on the streets!

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Welcome back bud

Make sure that you refresh yourself with the rules https://www.roleplay.co.uk/rules/

And welcome home! 

I will not make the same misstake again so ofcorse have I read through the rules again :D

ooh nooooo, welcome back and RIP for all the people that drive fast. Roadblocks incomming

plz no NLA rebirth

Welcome back Zotlex <3

Welcome back Zotlex, missed your piloting.

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Is NLA back again? :p 

plz no NLA rebirth

Welcome back Zotlex <3
I know this question will come and I actually don´t have a answer on it yet. But I may start it up again if i feel I got the time that I had before I got into "prission". :)

ooh nooooo, welcome back and RIP for all the people that drive fast. Roadblocks incomming
Haha, you know that NLA will start patrolling the roads again IF NLA starts again :)

I know this question will come and I actually don´t have a answer on it yet. But I may start it up again if i feel I got the time that I had before I got into "prission". :)

Haha, you know that NLA will start patrolling the roads again IF NLA starts again :)
Mate don't start NLA again, it is your choice but it had its best time. Start something else up different name and story. Server is missing big gangs that we had before like TI and GC.

Welcome back zotlex is NLA coming back ? Oh and ad well to get u Into the scene again I deciced to look for a gang for you I found this. it might be up your street 

Did I ask if NLA was starting again?


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Welcome back zotlex is NLA coming back ? Oh and ad well to get u Into the scene again I deciced to look for a gang for you I found this. it might be up your street 

Did I ask if NLA was starting again?

I think that thread has been hated on enough now, give it a rest please. 

On another note- welcome back Zotlex! 👍

Welcome Back!
