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Sheffield UK
Are ifrits only allowed in the rebel areas? and if anywhere else what happens to them impounded or crushed?

Allowed anywhere, if seen and captured by police crushed on site after 3 minutes.

Althought you may have a half decent officer who will roleplay if you have a good story.

They are "allowed" anywhere, but they are not legal. If you are caught using an Ifrit then the police will attempt to stop you. We are able to bypass the 3 minute rule and shoot at your tires after initiating roleplay. 

After this, we are allowed to scrap your Ifrit under any circumstance, we do not need to verify the owner or why it was being used as it is an illegal vehicle. 

thanks guys wasn't sure , rather find out 1st just to make sure any rules would not be broken 

Please close 

Hello Devill666,

An ifrit is an illegal vehicle, so when an police officer sees it. They will try to hunt it down and it will be crushed. What you do in the redzone (rebel areas), is what you think is right. A rebel can steal it of you an scrap it to: we buy any car. 

Hopefully this helps you enough.

Kind Regards,


Ifrits are almost impossible to stop, there big weakness is spike strips, the fact the tend to roll and if Armed response are flying about!
