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If someone robs my house


Active member
So let's say someone is robbing my house, I get to my house and see 3 men breaking down my door and going in, can I shoot on sight or do I have to initiate? 

Just like Jeff said, there needs to be sufficient RP taking place before anyone decides to take a life.

Initiate :D

This is a RP server so you MUST initiate first
Yeah I know, just made me play that scenario out in my head.... Like walking up to three armed men and telling them to leave or else they would be shot. Just can't see that working out in my favor lol. Personally I think a rule should be added about kos when someone is inside your home but that's just me

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Yeah I know, just made me play that scenario out in my head.... Like walking up to three armed men and telling them to leave or else they would be shot. Just can't see that working out in my favor lol. Personally I think a rule should be added about kos when someone is inside your home but that's just me
Buy a house in the red zone. No initiation needed.

Yeah I know, just made me play that scenario out in my head.... Like walking up to three armed men and telling them to leave or else they would be shot. Just can't see that working out in my favor lol. Personally I think a rule should be added about kos when someone is inside your home but that's just me
Thats a dumb rule in my opinion...

if someone is breaking into your house and you shoot him in real life it counts as "man slaughter" and you can face prison...

so why would a server that has the closest thing to real life (within RP off course) want a rule that wouldnt even make sense in real life?

ps: someone had the same opinion as you did, and if he would have initiated then he could have won the fight possibly but since he RDM'd us then he had to comp us our gear + all the contents of his house...

Hello @matbreeze101,

I understand the points you have given and they are easily understandable regarding why you think certain things. However, RPUK is a roleplaying community. We specialise in trying to create the best possible roleplay scenarios for all of the players. Therefore, in a situation such as the one you're presenting although it may be tempting to open fire upon spotting an armed individual inside of your property, don't! It is easy all you have to do is walk up to him and begin to talk. Numerous times I have spoken to people raiding my houses and managed to get them to leave peacefully without stealing any of my items inside. However, if you really want to take the lethal turn and put an end to the man make sure you initiate appropriately and with the utmost roleplay! If you are unsure about how to approach the initiation I will lay out a guide below so you can initiate accordingly without you risk of you breaking any of the servers rules!

Threatening the Robber!:

*Whilst having your firearm drawn and visible*

"Sir(s) I am going to kindly request that you lower/drop any weaponry you have and place your hands behind your head, if I enter the building and you still have weapons visible or unholstered I will open fire."

Guarantee you have given the player(s) subsequent time to react to your demands and DO NOT under any circumstances begin counting down! This is highly against rules and may result in serve consequences.

-- The above conveys your message perfectly as your following the 'initiation formula':

C: Command -- You have given your command/demand to the person(s) involved.

T: Threaten -- You have threatened the person(s) by informing them that "You will open fire" if they do not comply etc.

T: Time -- You have given them a sufficient amount of time to comply with your demands/return a message if they please.

A: Action -- You have then either restrained the person(s) or rushed the building resulting in a firefight.

Obviously always try and roleplay out of situations even if the other person is being a bit of a dick. However, if push comes to shove use the above so your initiation isn't seen as Poor/Low Quality roleplay!

Good luck!

Jack Shepherd.

(Credit to @TCK Clarity for the initiation formula!)

Note: Also Matt surprisingly Red Zone houses are not commonly raided due to players wanting to leave the place ASAP.

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Thats a dumb rule in my opinion...

if someone is breaking into your house and you shoot him in real life it counts as "man slaughter" and you can face prison...

so why would a server that has the closest thing to real life (within RP off course) want a rule that wouldnt even make sense in real life?

ps: someone had the same opinion as you did, and if he would have initiated then he could have won the fight possibly but since he RDM'd us then he had to comp us our gear + all the contents of his house...
(This is USA law not U.K.)That's not true my friend. If someone breaks into your house in real life you have every right to shoot. It doesn't even matter if the person is un armed or armed you can put as manny rounds as you wish into him as long as you feel like your threatened and are defending property :)

Hello @matbreeze101,

I understand the points you have given and they are easily understandable regarding why you think certain things. However, RPUK is a roleplaying community. We specialise in trying to create the best possible roleplay scenarios for all of the players. Therefore, in a situation such as the one you're presenting although it may be tempting to open fire upon spotting an armed individual inside of your property, don't! It is easy all you have to do is walk up to him and begin to talk. Numerous times I have spoken to people raiding my houses and managed to get them to leave peacefully without stealing any of my items inside. However, if you really want to take the lethal turn and put an end to the man make sure you initiate appropriately and with the utmost roleplay! If you are unsure about how to approach the initiation I will lay out a guide below so you can initiate accordingly without you risk of you breaking any of the servers rules!

Threatening the Robber!:

*Whilst having your firearm drawn and visible*

"Sir(s) I am going to kindly request that you lower/drop any weaponry you have and place your hands behind your head, if I enter the building and you still have weapons visible or unholstered I will open fire."

Guarantee you have given the player(s) subsequent time to react to your demands and DO NOT under any circumstances begin counting down! This is highly against rules and may result in serve consequences.

-- The above conveys your message perfectly as your following the 'initiation formula':

C: Command -- You have given your command/demand to the person(s) involved.

T: Threaten -- You have threatened the person(s) by informing them that "You will open fire" if they do not comply etc.

T: Time -- You have given them a sufficient amount of time to comply with your demands/return a message if they please.

A: Action -- You have then either restrained the person(s) or rushed the building resulting in a firefight.

Obviously always try and roleplay out of situations even if the other person is being a bit of a dick. However, if push comes to shove use the above so your initiation isn't seen as Poor/Low Quality roleplay!

Good luck!

Jack Shepherd.

(Credit to @TCK Clarity for the initiation formula!)

Note: Also Matt surprisingly Red Zone houses are not commonly raided due to players wanting to leave the place ASAP.

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waiting for the day they mod tripmines into the game. lets see them get out of the house when its surrounded by apers!
