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I was following orders ! (Unbanned 20/10/2014)

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Active member
I got banned for ramming the ifrit with my hunter during the massive shotout going in outside kavala ! 

First af all i would like to say that since first our as a police officer ive been told that using a armed car "ifrit-hunter" to desible it is allowed.... Aparently not becouse i got banned together with DI Fuel 30 seconds later...  I rly dont know if its a chance for me to come back but ive been told to try so here it is GUID: cfc69c0723bbb7ebae23903622c81ede   

       Getting an answer soon would be great ! 

If im not getting ub its up to udnims to decide... in case the ban is going to stick im allready now saying goodbye to EVERYONE here ! Its been a pleasure to play with you ! The journey has been amazing ! To be honest....ive never made so many friends in a "game" witch became as another hobby for me ! I spent allmoast 600h in game only at playing on this server and its the only rp server i played on ! 

So once again.   If the ban is going to stick i want to wish allllllll of you... no metter if you are a rebel, medic, or a great police officer of altis very very best ! 

SPC Zens :(  

Using any vehicle against another is a ban-able offense here and most respected Altis Life servers out there, Whoever has been training this within the police will be corrected as well as any police training going forward.

Because of that i will un-ban you however taking to TS to start protesting about a ban and all police staying off the server for a week is just childish and nearly made me not look at these unban requests until next week but i am 29 years old going on 30... not 13

I want you before logging back on the server to re-read the server rules.... dont listen to what you are told... the server rules go above everything else

The wider community will agree this is pathetic and has to stop within the police, same as its improved recently when a civ gets banned.

I will discuss that with SPC Starsky tomorrow as i know that he is the apparent "ring leader" in the stay off the server for a week protest

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