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I was banned, please read my story and consider lifting the ban. (Unbanned 01/11/2014)

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Harry :)

Unfortunately I was banned on the 30th of October, I do not know why, although I suspect it was due to the fact that I was convicted of manslaughter. Me and my friend were holding off a Police checkpoint near the airport (not inside a safe zone as far as I am aware?) and there were multiple people that were coming towards the gate that we had closed... I told the two members of the large truck to get out of the vehicle before I shoot them and they followed instructions. Everything was going as planned (for me and my friend) until a red truck drove into the back of us, we then proceeded to tell the driver to stand still and place his hands on his head, (this was said multiple times to the 3 people that were there). The two people from the beginning in the truck were still holding their hands behind their head, the driver of the red pickup truck tried to run, we told him that if he continued to run we would shoot, he continued to run so we shot him. Next thing that happens is a bounty hunter tries to taze me, I got behind the red truck whilst shouting put your hands on your head, he ran forward past me continuously looking for me, I then proceeded to shoot him as he was not following instructions and I did not want to be caught (due to me having a bounty on my head), I cannot remember what happened to the 2 truck drivers due to me and my friend trying to escape as much as possible, this was due to many people being attracted to the area. Me and my friend proceeded to drive off in a truck, my friend did not have a bounty on his head. We got to a field where we were being followed by a bounty hunter, my partner and I got out of the truck and hid behind it due to him firing tazers at us, and then I was banned from the server. I have tried to include as much detail as possible and unfortunately I cannot give any more. I do not know if I was in the wrong or not, I did not think that I was, nor did my friend, what we were trying to accomplish was getting money off people passing through the checkpoint, we were not out looking to murder people as we are aware of the consequences. I roleplayed as much as I possibly could and I really hope I get unbanned. The server is definitely my favourite due to the variety of different things to do and be, and it upsets me that I may not be able to go back on the server. I apologise if I was committing any offences / breaking the rules and I would extremely appreciate it if I were able to come back onto the server. My name on the server is 'harry'. Please consider unbanning me, thank you.

I fired no shots I just stood there and you shot me, and admin and co leader of the UNMC watched as you rdmed me.

I did not mean to break any rules and I really do appologise. I certainly did not set out to be banned or anything of the sort. I don't remember shooting you unless you were the bounty hunter who was running past me and Fearghal and he and I were still shouting to people to put their hands up. I appologise if I killed you unfairly /// broke the rules, I didn't believe that I was breaking any.

Go and read the full rules, once you agree to them then post your GUID

this isnt GTA, you actually need to roleplay here rather than shooting anyone that moves.

Thank you so much, I'll never do something like that again so I don't get banned! - My GUID is 80e5fc4ff9a2602cada9300cdcdd10c6

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