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I WAS BANNED FOR NLR (Process not followed)

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New member
England (Manchester Currently) Germany (Lived in
Your In-game name: Michael

Your Steam Profile ID:http://steamcommunity.com/id/GTX691/

Date & Time you was banned:

30/06/2015 around 3 am

Please copy and paste the rule you broke: 5D) You are not allowed to return within 1000m of where you was killed within 15 minutes after you have been killed! (from what i can remember)

Please give reasons why we should give you a final chance: When I was in Kevela i parked up my car and locked it, then somebody RDM'd me so i thought oh well i'll just go back and get the car back (i didn't know this was against the rules) then somebody in chat was asking me if i knew what NLR was, i thought that "NLR" was a gang/place so i just didn't reply, (I'm a noob i'm not familiar with all the gangs / places i'm only aware of the IR or IN atm) then finally they said something like last warning (i wasn't paying attention to the chat box for a while so i must have missed what they was saying before the final warning was given to me) and i pulled over my car (Not wanting to break RP as obviously texting while driving is an offence in the real world) and just as i was about to reply as i was curious of what they were saying to me it told me that i was banned. I've only played for literally not even 24 hours, i complied with all the rules that i was aware of and at not one point have i ever even killed somebody in game. If you let me back i will actually read all the rules and comply with everything. I have no interests in going against the rules as i would really like to be a big part of the community. EDIT 05:47 30/06/2015 i have now read through all of the rules and now feel as if i could be a really strong character in this world, i should have read these rules originally however i played with a friend and he was basically guiding me along with what i should and shouldn't be doing, i know it was stupid of me and i really do regret it right now, hence the reason i'm up at 05:49 begging for an appeal. 

I'm fully aware of the other RP servers (i've been trying a few over the past few hours to see if they're similar) and i really don't want to go on them, nobody takes RP seriously on them servers and that's what i enjoy most about this server. I played for a good 8 hours straight last night as i just couldn't get enough of it and another 5/6 hours today. Currently learning new things about the game at 
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dsh9yvzdn4c&app=desktop (06:09)

BRAT was the admin who kicked me.

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