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I was banned (Denied)

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New member
So today i was on altis life server. I was driving a atv and i saw somebody dancing in the road in my way. Since he should NOT have been in the road dancing i hit him with the atv. Right after that some guy screams WILCO HE VDMED! Wilco shoots me than bans me for trolling/vdm.

I do not understand why i was banned for this. Yes i should not have ran him over. But he should not have been in the road.

I am sorry for vdming him. I just dont understand why he isnt being punished and i am.


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There i was having a whiskey and a coke inbetween building my house on rust.... i come on the server for 40 mins and within that time firstly your trolling around by crawling all over the road... you then run someone over using your quadbike.... i pull out my gun and you decide to start running... im a good shot but the ban hammer was coming down.

Can you advise me what RP value is crawling around in the road and vdm'ing people ?

Holy shit, you shoot ban hammers? Pray god you never get a fully automatic. ;-)

Wilco. I am sorry and i wont crawl around anymore. You did shoot me actually. Yes it sorta of was vdm. But that man should not have been dancing in the road. I was driving fast on a atm and i did hit him. Some guy shouted WILCO HE VDMED. you shot me and then banned me. I know i should not have been crawling in the road and i have no excuse for that. The part where i hit him with the atv could have also been avoided. And im very sorry I made that mistake. I really love this server and i have met lots of awesome people on here. I do think i sort of deserved a ban. But is there any chance you can make it not perm? Like i said before, i love this server. and i don't wanna be perm banned from it just cause some guy was dancing in the road in my way and i hit him.

Ok... well supply your GUID and give me confirmation that you have a mic

All i have seen from you so far is typing ... something which doesnt really work on a serious roleplay server.

so if i dont type than i cant play? I see tons of people typing but its just me i guess who has to get a mic

People type in sidechat thats fine, but typing to the police via direct is shit RP... on a serious RP server this is poor RP

Ill await confirmation you have a mic.

No response from player moving to denied, if you return please open a new request linking this post and supplying your response.

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