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I want some help -_-

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Active member
I'm tired of appealing and my appeal just getting locked instantly and blocking all lines of communication with some sort of person from this community who can help me!!!


I get it, i understand that, i screwed up!?!? i left the server during the death screen and i called an admin a retard once, i think we've all done something wrong. I was just very unlucky in what i did!! 

I'm making this post because all admins in this community view me as a player who has no fucking idea how to RP or to communicate with others, i'm tired of it. I need to know what i need to do to get a position back in this server! If i message an admin about my ban it's against the rules so that's just making me seem even worse. I'm just sat here thinking to my self "Ok, CS GO is boring, League of legends is boring, Overwatch is boring, other game modes on arma 3 are boring, wtf do i do with my life!?!"

My Stat page on this server is actually so messy and wrong from numerous admins miss-communicating with other admins and it just makes me look like the worse person in the world. So here is why i got banned: 

When i first started RP i didn't know what OOC stood for. 

I called an admin a retard (very stupid of my self)

And finally, i left the server. Not quit the community. I literally left the server...

Here's a my stat page if you don't believe me: https://altis.roleplay.co.uk/getplayer.php?playerid=76561198096722439

I am begging someone to help me with what i should do here because I've waited a long time since my ban for leaving the server and nothings working, i tried suggesting a new ban system but no admin even looked at the post never mind contemplating a comment.. 

You have to remember the staff team is using their spare time to deal with unban appeals, everybody is getting treated equally. Fair enough you admitting you screwed up, but it's up to the staff member who's reviewing your appeal to decide whether you get another chance or not, and from what I see they normally respond fast. So be patient.

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This is literly the worst way you can go about this,My Advice,Suck it up,Wait your time,and make sure not to fuck up again,The adult world is full of people making mistakes,unfortunalty you have to sleep in the bed you made for yourself,This may sound mean,But if you had properly followed the rules the first time,you wouldnt be in this mess.

Facts are facts My Friend,and im not trying to be a asshole,Im simply telling you flat out how i see it.

This is literly the worst way you can go about this,My Advice,Suck it up,Wait your time,and make sure not to fuck up again,The adult world is full of people making mistakes,unfortunalty you have to sleep in the bed you made for yourself,This may sound mean,But if you had properly followed the rules the first time,you wouldnt be in this mess.

Facts are facts My Friend,and im not trying to be a asshole,Im simply telling you flat out how i see it.
Please could you recite the entire rules to me as soon as you read this comment, exactly, you can't. I got banned for LEAVING the server!!!!!!

Literally the most pathetic reason for perm banning me ever. If the reason for perm banning me was for doing all the other stuff then i would suck it up and wait the 6 months but i got banned for leaving the server. 

You have to remember the staff team is using their spare time to deal with unban appeals, everybody is getting treated equally. Fair enough you admitting you screwed up, but it's up to the staff member who's reviewing your appeal to decide whether you get another chance or not, and from what I see they normally respond fast. So be patient.
@MiiiikkelI've appealed quite a few times and they all reply and respond to my post with just a straight up "no, you're a bad person wait 6 months." they obviously don't say exactly that but it's how i feel after i've read each one of the replies to my appeals

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You got banned for calling me a retard, had your appeal denied. You tried appealing again and you got unbanned on the 12th of June. Only to be banned again for combatlogging on June 14th. Combatlogging is usually a ban without appeal, tho circumstances may lead us to allowing an appeal. Since you had prior history with breaking the rules however, your ban for combatlogging is a permanent one. It was issued on the 14th of June 2016 meaning you are eligible for a permanent ban appeal on december 14th, 6 months late. Your only option is to wait till these 6 months are over. We have been running for 2.5 years now using the same system.

Ofcourse every now and then someone who doesn't get unbanned will not like the system. That however, is not a reason to change the system, it's a reason to keep the system the same because it works.

Topic closed, user knows perfectly well what to do and when.

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