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I need help, can't find Server 1

Darryl Duffy

Well-known member
It has been two days now and i have not seen server 1 up. But on the website it says it is can anyone help me.......  :Crying2:

try direct connection. get the IP from gametracker

Searching for it by name should work, as for your favorites we changed the port to 2302 from 3102 so it wont show up for favs until you refav it.

As someone else said get the IP address from here:


(The numbers under the server name, making sure the port is correct)

And direct connect to the server using that, if it is still not showing up for you please ensure that no firewall/ antivirus is blocking your computer from finding it.

To see if your firewall/ antivirus is doing this just temporarily disable your firewall/ antivirus in the settings and try connecting again.

Hopefully that works for you,

Good luck!  :Cool:

Thank all of you for your help, i have it fixed now. This is why I love this community you ask for help and people are happy to help.
