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I guess this is it..


Active member
I had recently posted an unban appeal explaining that I had reflected on my actions and behaviours and felt like I would come back to this community feeling fresh and respectful. Sadly it was denied and given no more chances by an admin and I am unable to return. I have no-one to blame apart from myself and I think I have let the community down. I would love to rejoin this community however it is just not possible..

I would like to thank this whole community for giving me a great time. I thank the police for teaching me the ways of a cop. I give thanks to everyone that I've had a chance to RP with even if it has ended in me losing my truck to bandits and taking a bullet in the head. I would like to give a shoutout to my friend Defrag for the outstanding RP over the past couple months and hope your new gang [RoA] is successful!

It's been a fun ride and wish all the best for this community especially with the upcoming framework.

See ya around,


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Ayzer :(

I never thought it would come to this mate, It has been a pleasure to play with you over the past month or two and you won't be forgotten (I've got like 500GB worth of A3 clips with you in!) You're probably one of, if not the most mature young lad I've met through gaming so far and that's something to be proud of. I'm sure we'll have some wasteland/exile sessions in the near future so you haven't got rid of me yet :)

But whatever you do next mate, good luck.


Just give up. Spamming unban appeals are digging yourself a bigger hole.

Myself and others have been part of this community for almost 2 years without ever being reported let alone banned. You have only yourself to blame for your punishment and should accept it and move on while you still have a shred of dignity left. 
