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i got banned for no reason

You got banned because when i was spectating as an Admin... you was in a hacked tank

The question is why did you get in in the first place, even getting in the tank makes you guilty by association.

Either way it shouldn't be in the game, there is only one armed vehicle in Altis Life the Offroad Technical.

thats sounds like a terminator but back to the point how the hell was a tank in the game

So if they got a tank in could they get a terminator that we could set on Mitch

Well the other week I was quietly walking around Athira when I suddenly glitched then my character had full  military gear on complete with rocket launcher.

To say I was shocked was an understatement I just thought I had somehow spawned as a rebel I tried my new weapons out on a few now human targets & they all worked.

I was then forced to re-spawn but no server re-start & was back to my old happy go lucky self but there were a few dodgy characters who still had rocket launchers I overheard them saying cool they had kept their weapons. They preceded to terrorize Athira killing me twice.

At the time I had only been playing for a few hours so had no idea what was going on now though I think they must of been hackers & somehow I was hacked now I am thinking if I had been spotted by admin that's an instant ban.  :unsure:

Well the other week I was quietly walking around Athira when I suddenly glitched then my character had full military gear on complete with rocket launcher.

To say I was shocked was an understatement I just thought I had somehow spawned as a rebel I tried my new weapons out on a few now human targets & they all worked.

I was then forced to re-spawn but no server re-start & was back to my old happy go lucky self but there were a few dodgy characters who still had rocket launchers I overheard them saying cool they had kept their weapons. They preceded to terrorize Athira killing me twice.

At the time I had only been playing for a few hours so had no idea what was going on now though I think they must of been hackers & somehow I was hacked now I am thinking if I had been spotted by admin that's an instant ban. :unsure:
Stupid late reply, but yes, you could have been accidentally banned if seen with gear like that.
If anything like that ever happens, it is always best to tell at least an on duty officer about it, but preferably an admin.

Noone wants hackers on our server, so report them as soon as you see them and we'll have them set on fire : )

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Stupid late reply, but yes, you could have been accidentally banned if seen with gear like that.

If anything like that ever happens, it is always best to tell at least an on duty officer about it, but preferably an admin.

Noone wants hackers on our server, so report them as soon as you see them and we'll have them set on fire : )
You had me at "set them on fire" :D Can cops publically execute trolls (restrain,bring to a wall, announce trolling crimes and fire.) with a zero tolerance policy as well? You have no idea how many trolls chase people to try and look in backpacks for guns to RDM.

You had me at "set them on fire" :D Can cops publically execute trolls (restrain,bring to a wall, announce trolling crimes and fire.) with a zero tolerance policy as well? You have no idea how many trolls chase people to try and look in backpacks for guns to RDM.
Burning; If it's good enough for witches, it'll do for hackers ; )
No. With it being an RP server we have to do things by the book. If we just shot the trolls it would just make them more inclined to troll again, maybe even to 'get revenge,' which would just make it worse.

Trolls will be dealt with a bit more severely from now on I think, as they have been getting away with far too much recently. A few 'mega trolls,' or troll 'leaders' were banned the other day (Trolling is in fact a bannable offence), so hopefully people will take note of that and calm down.

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