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I cant see the server


New member
I can't find the server on the list, but I am able to see on gametracker that 120 people are playing.. Tried everything. Nothing seems to work.. Any ideas?

Havign the same problem, also unable to connect through remote.  Most people seem to be able to connect through remote but i have had no luck for the past couple hours 

I have the same problem. Tried everything. can only see the server when i use a VPN but it lags

Will prbly get fixed after restart

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Have tried various methods of connecting to the server, gametracker launcher, a3 launcher, directly connecting to the ip from the arma 3 steam launcher however these just result in the black screen with arma 3 written on it and then go no further.  Not sure what the problem is, have tried various solutions regarding my ports etc however still the same problem.  Probably going to give up for the night it seems or at least a couple of hours and see what is happening later on.  Will watch for a solution 

I've managed to get in through Remote IP although I'm still aware of people not being able to actually see the server. I've looked at many solutions for this problem and I cannot find a fix unfortunately.

I used this and pasted it into my "Address" and "Port" - server.altislife.co.uk:3102 (3102 is the port although I didn't need to put it into the port, instead my port is 2302. I kept 3102 in the server address which doesn't seem to cause a problem.)

I found the server and accessed it straight away after I entered that into the remote IP, although we need to find a solution for people being unable to see the server even though they've tried accessing through the servers IP. It would be nice if someone could shed a light on this situation because I would like to play alongside Frampi but he's unable to connect.

Same issue here, gonna try your solution now. Hope it works

EDIT: it worked thank you

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Thank you alot Ludi, this fixed it for the time being. I think the remote one I tried didnt work because i put the server port instead of 2302 ^^..

Thank you alot Ludi, this fixed it for the time being. I think the remote one I tried didnt work because i put the server port instead of 2302 ^^..

No problem dude, always here to help. Hopefully everyone else will find that helpful too, if that doesn't seem to work for you I have no idea what will.

Hmm tried everything server nam or server Ip and Port 3102 not working ... Even trying open port, log in trought VPN seem to work but its unplayeable so much lags! I think we need to wait for  fix.

Hmm tried everything server nam or server Ip and Port 3102 not working ... Even trying open port, log in trought VPN seem to work but its unplayeable so much lags! I think we need to wait for  fix.
That's the exact same issue Frampi is having, I'm just hoping someone will have a fix ASAP!

Sorry that my method didn't work dude.

I have no idea, VPN will cause you to lag hard so it's best not to use it. I don't need to use VPN to see the server so it's not an issue for me. Like I said before, there are other people that cannot see the server even if they use "Remote". I have no solution to this and I'm trying to find something that can help or even fix it.

Just adding that i'm experiencing the same issues. Can't see the server in list or by remote. Have tried IP, server.altis etc. Housemate on same internet connection can see and join no problem!

Please refrain from discussing this on the forums, the DDoSer is watching our community. Contact me on TS and Ill explain it to you.

@FriendlyFireGuy mind hiding all the post that are related to how you can connect to the server
