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I am officially back


Roleplayer of The Month till 2020
Elite Donator
Legendary Donator
Pokêmon League
All right, so I am never good at these things, but I'll start from the beginning.

Somwhere around January I began to doubt, what I wanted from life. I was studying electronics at the time, but just didn't feel like it fit me. I was thing a lot about what I should do, so I felt I needed to take a break to figure it out. I've now figured out what I want. I stopped studying electronics in January and am now waiting for school to start again in August, so I've got no school and plenty of time to kill, so I am back and ready to have fun.

I hope I'll see all of you on the server.

Welcome back dude! 


Last edited by a moderator:
Is this Daanish 

like the old medic that had a picture of a wee guy with a black coat and a red thing near his head

Edit: No never mind wrong Daanish, regardless welcome back!

Last edited by a moderator:
Is this Daanish 

like the old medic that had a picture of a wee guy with a black coat and a red thing near his head

No never mind wrong Daanish, regardless welcome back!
Thank you :L

Is this Daanish 

like the old medic that had a picture of a wee guy with a black coat and a red thing near his head

Edit: No never mind wrong Daanish, regardless welcome back!
