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I am done!

Will Chandler

Active member
After being alone in 30 minutes on a full server 1 as a PCSO i am just done. I didnt think this could happend but i was wrong. I have tried my best to keep as many people happy and tried to help them. But when a PCSO have to take care over 40 people rushing the police station, i am just done! I knew that when i signed on to be a polive officer i knew i had to take care of some problems and situations but this was just, just, just... i don't even have words, there are no words in this wotld that can describe what is going on in my head right now. But during this whole time i had Simon Quebec by my side and supporting me in-game and also in ts right after, a civilian not a cop, not an admin a normal civilian i will remember his name my whole life or atleast a long time.

i was alone with 100 civs it was just tooooo much to deal with.

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Is this supposed to be rp.. (youre breaking rp if so) or a statement that you are leaving the server? looks like a 2.7 tbh

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I honestly don't see the need for a suicide video to be posted on the forums, bit of a questionable subject if you ask me.

This is not rp, this is just plain and simple a statement about what happend and i whant to help the server so these kinda of things dosn't happend!

I love this community and i want to help as much as posible so evryone that think the same as i do please support this!

And this is not a hate post, i am not blaming anyone at all!

Police officers encounter enraging situations all the time but its part of being in a community that has constant new players and people who like to interact with the police for roleplay situations. Personally I cannot count how many times I've upset players ingame whilst trying to maintain the law and a enjoyable experience for the civilian. 

As a police officer who regularly patrols Kavala its easy to understand how hobos can flood the police station and not listen to you whilst there are others looking for actual help or information but this is the nature of Kavala. Its unfortunate that all police officers must overcome the test for patience when dealing with new players and people who purposely try to waste the time of police officers. But there are still great roleplayers that interact with the police all the time and this experience makes the position entertaining and worth while.

Late night on working week days alot of players in the police force have jobs and education to maintain so they cannot be readily available 24/7. The police force can be stretched thin over the three servers and this is a unfortunate problem but as a police officer you'll find yourself in overwhelming situations often. 

Resigning from the police is a much better option than posting this video by the way..

Suck it up, yours was nothing compared to what I have been through...I believe it was me, a sergeant and two more officers was in the station and we had rebels running in, hobos yelling the N word and wouldnt stop...

The moment you signed up for the police, you should've been ready for anything that will happen because of your occupation you will be dislike also at the end of the day is just a game so do your best to enjoy it. Try to take advantages and just enjoy yourself, not everything has to be chaos, try to get the people to do like a group dance.

Its very unnecessary for you to post that video, if its for jokes and bants then its fine but if its just to get peoples attention about the situation which you should have told your superior officer, no idea why I dont see him with you...you are not even allowed to be on the server unless there is literally no one to patrol with.

I know what you guys mean but i am new to the server and i dont really knows what can happend. But people where screaming evrythig the n-Word and all that trust me. The video is just a joke. And i am alowed to patrol if theres no higher ranked officers online, and i had no higher ranked officers to talk to.

I know what you guys mean but i am new to the server and i dont really knows what can happend. But people where screaming evrythig the n-Word and all that trust me. The video is just a joke. And i am alowed to patrol if theres no higher ranked officers online, and i had no higher ranked officers to talk to.
I know you aren't trying to offend anyone or anything, but suicide isn't funny. Lots of people are directly or indirectly affected by it. Just think before you post

It wasnt really a "joke" it was more of an statement. And i had a girl in My class that actully killed herself and i dont joke about it in that way.

I know what you guys mean but i am new to the server and i dont really knows what can happend. But people where screaming evrythig the n-Word and all that trust me. The video is just a joke. And i am alowed to patrol if theres no higher ranked officers online, and i had no higher ranked officers to talk to.
I highly recommend you remove the video because when you got accepted into the police you were expected to act appropriately for the position. You committed suicide in the game so how do you explain this in roleplay? you got too many people calling you the N-word so you killed yourself? think about your actions in game before you enact them.

The problem is you a a PCSO which is still a officer in training, you will encounter people swearing and trying to annoy you all the time as a police officer. If you can't handle it then I recommend spending more time with trained officers because the hard truth is that police officers deal with these situations alot or you could resign if you feel you are not upto the task. 

Because you are still a PCSO you are told not to patrol alone because of the simple fact that you haven't got enough experience from fellow officers, patrolling alone has NO benefits to a officer in training because you will learn tons from patrolling with other more seasoned police officers.

Really think over what you want to do before continuing as a police officer because it is highly entertaining to roleplay with civilians but you will deal with hobos and rebels who disrespect and try to catch you out at every turn in some situations.

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Instead of berating the Pcso how about give him some pointers or tips to help deal with situations like that, everyone makes mistakes and saying stuff like I recommend u resign if you can't handle is just wrong

Will i am online all day 2morrow and more than happy to take you out and help you if u wish.

Oh yeah if people are genuinely trolling, being racist, cuff them and send them straight to jail.

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Ive patrolled with this guy, and he is MORE than capable to be a police officer!!!! 

As a PCSO you are under training, and I see many previous cops commenting here, that should know better. As stated above by @Scott1sh, instead of fire the trigger, try and support instead. 

@Will Chandler; Feel free to pop me a pm for a conversation. I would more than happy schedule a run with you! 

Mr.Rabbit, Kavala REP
