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I am a donator therefore I have the right to be heard. (Action: Ban Issued 29/11/2014)

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The Butler
The Great Britain
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): Coalan
Time & Date this happened: 29/11/2014 4:30pm
Description of what happened: Got into car, saw on ANPR he is wanted. Followed him not using sirens of lights, just horn. He stops, gets out and opens fire and kills me. I sent a message hoping to clear it up and explain to him the rules. He didn't and said what he did was allowed, then told me that he is a donator therefore he has rights. See by the messages ago how someone has not read the rules.
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: Yes
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence)
Do not have video of incident but I do have the texts he sent to me.
I sent - You have broken the rules.

I sent - Doesn' mean you can kill with out RP

I sent - No you are not.

I sent - Ok "Mr Donator", I am also a donator, I will see you on the fourms

He didn't read rules, especially since he RDMed me.
Im also a donator, and I would LOVE to see what different stuff we can d, that the other members cannot!

Donators get axcess to cheaper gear!! Cannot do whatever the birds tell you to, or whatever you feel like you can do, just because your a donator!

Donator or not, collegue or not, Cop or not, I quote you on this Voltz!

Biggest criminal on the server has 5k in the bank and 3k cash. Crime must be a hard life now a days.. O wait it isn't, he is just a failure.

Well thats not roleplay thats just RDM... there needs to be some interaction even if he says... I am going to kill you and pulls out a gun.

I like to point out the following terms directly from the VIP donator page

"5. Being in the VIP Club or donating does not exclude you from the main server rules or their punishments for a player. The rules will be enforced equally to all players and as such, if you become banned, no refunds will be issued."

c144a6543640dc6ca4fc000b17312fc5 -1 Caolan - Forum Report 29/11/2014

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