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[HU] Nail McGrub / Garlic91 (Unbanned 28/01/2015)

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Well-known member
With regards to the linked thread () I would like to know the following:

1. How long does the ban remain?

2. Did you even read my post, was it given due consideration?

It would appear there was no consideration given, in fact I would even go as far to say the reviewing admin simply glanced at my profile and saw there was two previous ban appeals, which I would like to add were successful. Admittedly on the first occasion I had not read the rules, the ban prompted me to acknowledge and adhere to the regulations here. The second occasion was overturned as the admin whom administered the ban realised their error in judgement.

It would appear there has been further error in judgement, or a lack of consideration, as the ban appeal which I processed days ago has been denied on the basis that 'rules are rules, and this is my third appeal'. Whilst I understand what you are saying, I do not feel it is applicable in this situation.

Can you provide evidence to support your claim of my 'advertising', because from a laman point of view I simply entered a bunch of numbers in group channel, but from the evidence I gave you I mistakenly copied and pasted the wrong address in attempt to get a gang member in our channel on Altislife TS. Having read the rules and further clarified the definition of advertising, I cannot see at which point my actions in this instance warrant a ban. As I said, I can understand where you are coming from with regards to three appeals but that is only when you do not give due consideration to the previous bans, fail to acknowledges what I said in the ban appeal linked above, and do not recognise the input I have within the community.

For what it is worth I had a chat with @Wilco on team speak following the ban and he told me to appeal, I thought that following our discussion he understood where I was coming from and allowed me to provide reason to what had resulted in my ban.

Ill leave this up to Wilco then as you said you have spoken to him.

Please follow the rules going forward, If we hear that your teamspeak address if being given out then we will blanket ban the associated gang/rebels from the server.


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