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[HU] Harpo

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Well-known member
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): [HU] Harpo
Time & Date this happened: 20-1-2015 : around 20:50 ( Dutch time )
Which Server did this happen on: Server 1
Description of what happened: Me and my friend were robbing the guys from HU . We got offended by them ( In RP ofc ) So we planned on executing this guy called Harpo. We had a ceremony and this is when he DCed to stop from getting him killed. 
What Rule Was Broken ?:
Exploiting and combat log
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?:
No , They told me that his Arma 3 chrashed . I dont believe this at al . Unless he has a screenshot with his Arma crashing with his name or something . Also just a second after the screenshot a guy from the gang started shooting at me , He said nothing to me . I dont think this is RDM but it is shit RP . After this i didnt feel like talking with the HU gang anymore cause i feel like their a bunch of dicks !
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence, If your report is about RDM then it must be a video leading upto the RDM and after) 
This was before he left : http://imgur.com/ZRYC8CQ
After the DC : http://imgur.com/WTQhZem
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There you go, happy?

Also, you couldnt message me to come on teamspeak and actually ask me instead of trying to get me banned? That's the problem with the majority here, i read all these ban requests and look at the "have you tried to resolve" bit and it's always no. I've been rdm'd etc. and just gone and actually spoken to the person, getting someone else banned doesnt achieve anything. Grow the fuck up.

Also in regard to thinking we're dicks, i suggest you go fuck youself.

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If it's of any help, Harpo did indeed not Combat Log, his game crashed. I was in the TS with him at the time.

Ok nvm . I am srry guys .

But you must understand that from our side it looked like a combatlog

Greetings p.vutin

Honestly, no i dont understand. This is yet another bullshit attempt to get someone banned because you're butthurt about getting killed by a member of my gang who came to save us from getting robbed by you and your comrade. You killed one of us for not putting his hands up after i had informed you that it was not working. Also in regards to tren killing you with bad RP, you did NOT take our communications. We had no guns, our bags were on the floor and we had no clothes on so i told him to kill on sight, and dont even start me on your roleplay.

I'd also like to put it to anyone who reads this to fucking talk to people before posting a ban, most people i've had incidents with have been more than co-operative wether it was me in the wrong or the other party. It's roleplay not real life, stop being dicks.

Mate you can arrange that picture by changing your computers date and time.

Mate you can arrange that picture by changing your computers date and time.
My ban was the same proof as his, i always take a screen shot when aram3 crashes when im in RP, Plus i mean what the hell is the point of battle logging when he has fuck all!? he does not even have clothes. he would gain more by dying lol.

I mean people battle log to save gear... which is sad i mean where the fuck is the point to battle log when you have nothing? he gains nothing from it. plus it said steam ticket nulled even if you spam alt f4 it does not say that. 

Srsly grow the fuck up like i mean stop acting like a bunch of fucking kids trying to get each other banned, its really sad and petty.

Were here to RP and have fun so fuck off and go RP and have fun. <3

PS:Everyday i see people trying to get other people banned when i simple ts3 message "hello can you explain why you did that" Would have fixed it all i mean... come on guys.

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I was standing next to Harpo at this time and he said in team speak his Arma had crashed and i even said to you that i can i say something to you and typed "Harpo's arma had crashed and had not combat logged"..........

Why not be men and talk to us and ask what happend if it could not then come to the forums insted you brin it to the forums and missed the middle man if you had sent one of us a message we would of been more than happy to speak to you and tell you what had happed (even though i had already do that 

After this i didnt feel like talking with the HU gang anymore cause i feel like their a bunch of dicks !

As to the above this is fine by me and im sure is fine by a lot of the [HU] but next time be grown up speak to the person in question......

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