Not at the moment unfortunately. Only way to work around this at the minute is to make a new gang, Has been suggested before and should hopefully be a feature coming with the new framework but at the moment, it's not possible.
Not at the moment unfortunately. Only way to work around this at the minute is to make a new gang, Has been suggested before and should hopefully be a feature coming with the new framework but at the moment, it's not possible.
Hmm... You've caught me out there somewhat. You certainly need to make a new gang to remove the old people but I'm not 100% sure on how names work. I think it frees up the name so you should be fine. I can think of certain gangs that have been around a long time and probably didn't exist for all of that time so I think so... Someone correct me rather swiftly if I'm wrong! @Samatlewiss
On the subject of compensation. I've never come across it happening previously so unfortunately I don't think so. Someone might feel nice enough to offer you some money but I wouldn't think you would recieve staff comp unless it is linked to a bug or rule break.
You can wait till said person comes online and then kick.
management are very busy and so I don't think it would be a fast response to consider removing people from a gang...
You can delete and then remake the gang, however there won't be any compensation because I'd assume it would class as user error or something along those lines.
Not at the moment unfortunately. Only way to work around this at the minute is to make a new gang, Has been suggested before and should hopefully be a feature coming with the new framework but at the moment, it's not possible.