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How to fix your game crashing *Works 3/4 times*


The Butler
The Great Britain
Hello all!

Recently I have found that my ArmA had crashed when playing and found that turning Battleye off and on again actually helps sometimes, I have told this to 4 people and it helped 3/4 of them so I think it might for those having problems.

The fix is really simple, all you have to do is go to the ArmA 3 Launcher and then click Battleye, then untick Battleye and load Arma 3 up. Try to join any server and it will probably kick you off, then shut down ArmA. Turn Battleye back on and then you should be set!

For those less technical;


1. Turn Battle eye off (As shown above)

2. Load ArmA

3. Join Any server, you will then be told to activate Battleye, click disagree and then shut ArmA down

4. Turn Battleeye on and load ArmA, you are set to go!

I hope this helps, I wish you good luck! 
