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How to be a good CSO


Well-known member
That'd be my guide for the all CSOs who have joined to the police force recently.

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Reminds me of our early days of patrolling. That fatty would be you tho  :D

Atleast you equip them with a couple of keen fists, razorsharp teeth & a blue shirt.

From now on all CSO's should be required to carry a firearm, as like the man said in the video how long does it take to learn to pull a trigger?!

The relationship between the CSO's and the AR in real life is just like it is in Altis Life..ahh

thanks Vixxy I will try and do everything as shown in that video. Thanks for the great tips ;)

Is this a joke or is this an actual show?

From an outside perspective this does not compare at all with America. It's hysterically at the opposite end of the spectrum. 
