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how many of you know me in game


Well-known member
ok so ive been on the server for around 5 months now and it would be good if i know how many people genuinely know me in game (Not to sure if i put this in the right place but still)

I'm always curious about if I'm known in-game nowadays or not..

I recognise the name but I couldn't pin it to exact encounters. Do you/have you always played as Muzzle? Any other aliases? Have you been a cop/medic/member of older gangs?

I think most would respond with "Yes, you've robbed me" or if you're me "Sadly ;)

I'm always curious about if I'm known in-game nowadays or not..

I recognise the name but I couldn't pin it to exact encounters. Do you/have you always played as Muzzle? Any other aliases? Have you been a cop/medic/member of older gangs?
Ive been in many gangs and yea my Name has always been muzzle 

Muzzle tried to charge me bridge tax in Kavala, and then i lent him a clean SUV and we were all good.

Muzzle tried to charge me bridge tax in Kavala, and then i lent him a clean SUV and we were all good.
haha i totally remember this i got to agios and died a horrible death (Well got to 13 HP And had to walk from the petrol station to the garage)

haha i totally remember this i got to agios and died a horrible death (Well got to 13 HP And had to walk from the petrol station to the garage)
You said you wouldnt scratch it!

ok so ive been on the server for around 5 months now and it would be good if i know how many people genuinely know me in game (Not to sure if i put this in the right place but still)
Think we did some stuff together with PFE.

Seen you in game a few times, mostly around the Kavala drug dealer :p

Most the times I have seen you is when your by my side in a firefight and run off like a girl and leave me <3

You shouldn't worry about being known in game. Have fun! I've been on the server for almost 10 months and no one has a clue who I am lol. 

