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How many hours of sleep do you get?


Active member
So I have read before that the minimum hours of sleep that you should get in is 6 hours and that the ideal amount is 8 hours of sleep. I also recently found out that it is best to go to sleep at 10pm (For some reason going to sleep at this time and sleeping for 8 hours because it is the perfect time to, and I quote,  "Win life, seize the day and achieve perfect skin and shiny air"). So for my self my sleep schedule is pretty messed up and I alternate from getting somewhere between 4-8 hours of sleep. Usually just end up getting 6 hours of sleep a day though. But yeah it got me wondering, what is everyone's sleeping patterns like? How many hours of sleep, on average, would you say you get in one night?

Usually too little. It honestly depends on what you do during the day and how old you are (with teens and younger children requiring more sleep then adults).

I usually aim for about 8 hours if I have school the next day, although I often don't feel as refreshed as I would do with 30-45 min extra, so I am trying to get into the habit of sleeping a bit short of 9 hours (at the age of 18). I try to fall asleep at about 10pm and wake up at 7am, usually giving me enough sleep. Then again, it varies per person and per time schedule.

I would recommend sleeping as much as possible as how much sleep you have tends to affect the rest of your day. So why not sacrifice a couple extra hours to feel better throughout the whole day?

Then again, thats just my two cents.

Simple: When my girl is awake, I sleep. When she sleeps I play games, and still get my 8 hrs of sleep.

I usually get about 6 1/2 during school days because I stay up till 12 am to play with my friends and take a while to sleep.

During weekends and holidays, I would get about 9-8 hours of sleep.

Simple: When my girl is awake, I sleep. When she sleeps I play games, and still get my 8 hrs of sleep.
Oh the things we have in common great senpai! I'm currently achieving just this. I'm just wondering might it be the same in your house? Girl is not happy about this?

Some nights I get too distracted and end up having about 3 hours sleep, I then fall straight asleep when I get home and then I'll be up all night again..

I am usually sleeping from 12-6 which is about 6 hours a night..

Not great but it works

6 hours or Less normal depend how the little One is sleeping.  and then around 30 min if im Lucky before dinner. 

Around 6-7 hours a night during the week, 8-12 hours at the weekend.

I sleep for around 6 hours thats if I have college the next day if I'm off then I would sleep for about 10.

It's a unique situation in our house but our 10 year old only sleeps 4 in every 24 hours, due to a condition he has which impacts the melatonin production. 

So we alternate who's up with him. He also sleeps in specially designed bed called a safe space which is enclosed and padded to keep him safe, if we cannot be with him and need to leave him unaccompanied.  

We we get very little irregular sleep and not prolonged either as we have a "normal" 7 year old boy to keep life normal for. 

I used to have a good sleep pattern and slept for like 9-10 hours but then I started playing here... And I began reading the forums.... It's 12 am and I haven't read even halfway of what I want (last 2 hrs on the forums)

6 hours durning the week and at the week end like 10-13

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I get around 6 to 8 hours a night. I have a friend who has insomnia and he has been known to not sleep for 3 days in a row or only get a week of 2 hours a night.
