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How I got to this island

Frank Roger

Well-known member
Frank Roger was born in noway at the year 1995. lived with his parents until he turned 18 and got kicked out of the house and got told that he needed to get a job and a apartment, at the time he was just about finished with his education and later got apprenticeship in industrial mechanic  in a oil company on a off-shore platform.

2 years later he got  the certificate of apprenticeship in industrial mechanic, and startet to work on a normal pay  on the platform. on the way  off-shore with helicopter they got a weather report off a stom that shall pass the platform 1 mile away, so the platform was safe at the time. 
Fant Rorger had free time on the platform following day and he started to cast the line to fish, 5 min later he can see a huge wave get closer and closer . but he did not panic  because he was told by the platform chief that the platform could resist a huge tsunami. 
By the time the Wave got closer he got convinced that this wave was not smal and was mega huge wave. 
The platform was one and half minute form being structured by the mega wave, he  ran  for his life  and hits the Alarm on the way, he jumps in the closest lifeboat and locked the seat belt and prayed for his life. 
The mega wave hits . he got riped out of the seat belt and slammed in to side wall of the lifeboat and got knocked out, a half week later he wakes up in a dark room with pool off water and unbelievable mass amout of pain.
he could not see any thing, he was not able to find the door hatch and opened it.
Days have past since the accident and he feel hungry and in mass amout of pain, and passed out now and then, then he slowly gets waken of a sound comes form the door hatch,
the door hatch opens he looks up and can se a rescue man, on the chest  it stands ''Altis LIFE Rescue '' and he passed out again. 

Frank Roger got the nick name from the rescue man, and he called Frank Roger for FADED 
since he could not get a name form ''Frank Roger aka FADED''  when he passed out all the time. 


Frank Roger lived on the Island for many months being a Diamond miner, making him enough money to buy almost all off the licence you can get and bought a huge 4 room house with luxury cars , trucks, and also a Big huron helicopter that he would fly back to Norway to greet his family with, and take with him 10 million £ but on the way over the border he got a phone call and was instructed to fly back and land because he had not payed enough tax off the money that he had in his helicopter. but he did not want to land again to pay it. so he Continues to fly towards Norway. After a month he got mail form Altis Life Island, and he had to pay now twice as much Tax, So he payed the taxes but got 6 month visa BAN from entering the Island. and had to meet in court after 6 month to see if he could enter the Island again. 

6 months passed, and he started his journey back to Altis, by flying back with his helicopter. he landed safely at therisa airport, then he got jumped by UNMC and got transported to the Mayor's office and all off the secret ''G-men''government management emerged to take a look at his case. After 3 Hours Questioning and 4 Hours off true discussing, he got his VISA back and could move back and start to work again. 


 PS : Raven is my old name.

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