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How I got here - Gricey


Well-known member
Ok! Where should I start? How about my first time connecting to the server...

My first time connecting to the server was back in October, 18th. I downloaded Arma probably two days before starting my adventure here on AltisLifeUK because of a friend recommending it to me. We started off on one of those 10mil start servers (was extremely shit) and was there for probably two hours before I got bored. The next day, I was playing Arma yet again, oblivious to what it holds. I clicked on the friends tab to find "AltisLife.Co.Uk #1 - Auctions | Houses" or something along those lines. Me not knowing about it's Teamspeak server I called a friend through Skype and we started playing...

We spawned in Kavala, I was a mute, always have been (because of IRL anxiety) but this changed quickly. We darted round the streets, making friends and asking for help so we knew where to start and how to do stuff. Us being hobo's we bought our truck licenses and continued to the truck dealership. It was amazing, the biggest thing I have ever seen, it looked like a tank on bike wheels... I had purchased a truck boxer.

Straight after this, we had to make plans. Plans that would get us money, big quick money. After scanning the map a couple of times my friend saw a weed field so we started up our trucks, rev'd the engines and shot off. We were driving at an insane speed, the truck was 0-60 in 10 mins... We reached the weed field, it was empty, alone, surrounded by trees and natural plants. We hadn't a clue how to farm it so we had to ask in side chat: "how do I collect weed?" I asked "press windows key you dumb f*ck!" was the reply. We had filled our trucks, drove to Kavala drug dealer and were ready to be rolling in cash. We got to the drug dealer and it was a church. My friend asked me if we were at the correct destination and I said yes, surely. We saw a well suited man standing at the altar awaiting some people to deal to him. We managed to find out how to sell the weed but it wasn't working... We hadn't processed the stuff.

Back off we go, driving through Kavala to our next destination, the weed processor. As we were arriving, there was space ships there (that's what we thought they were anyway). We swallowed deeply making a thud sound with our throats. It was isolated from civilization, open to it's natural surroundings but far from any populated town. We pulled up, my friend going in first. We luckily had ALL our money on us (we were hobo's so yeah) and purchased the processing license. There was half a dozen of rebels, kitted out with MXM's, Mk18's etc. They were nice people, had some good time with them but the time had come for us to leave the processor, headed Kavala drug dealer.

We arrived at the drug dealer, still no one there. We ran in, sold and shot back out. We had made £325,000 each and were ready to take on the world...

A few weeks on, I was invited to join a gang known as the Kavala Crime Family. They were a bunch of good people, all had knowledge of being a rebel and trained me and my friend. We were with them since October, 28th to November, 22nd. This was a sad day, my friend got banned. Something arose, I found someone that changed my ALUK time for the best @GP 33. Now this guy was a noob like me but we still learnt together, he was my new Arma friend. I still talk to him today, he is an SPC in the Police and CST / GP for the NHS. We left KCF together.

After we had left, we were by our selves for a bit. We came across a lot of good gangs (LCN, LOV, TI) and knew we had to join a new gang. First off though, the day I left KCF I applied for the NHS and got accepted (thank you @TomTheDogefor passing my interview). Me and my new friend applied for LCN... We passed the application process and joined their gang channel. @Eddylanethe babe held our interview and we both passed. We learnt new ways, better more improved ways. Thank you @Fuelfor starting up the gang that got me to where I am today and being with the friends I have now (sorry if I missed anyone): @Rickey@GP 33@Freebz@Ponty@TC Joseph@TC Josh@TC ConorMattt @LordLiam@MGlazzard@TheBlast@LukeN@Jacques Fury@Fused @SGT Darky@Fetty WapMorgan and many more (sorry if I have tagged the wrong person lol).

Now I come to my position on AlitsLifeUK now...

I joined the police force again two days ago and hope to stay until I get to at least SPC or maybe even SGT. I still talk to all my friends on a daily basis and enjoy every second I spend with this community.

People to thank:

   - @Rickeyfor keeping The Company still going, being the founder of a gang that has brought friends together and being a great person in general.

   - @Drewfor being the first Admin to help me when a player kept VDM'ing me in the middle of Kavala.

   - @Fetty Wapfor always being around if I need help.

   - @Wilco@Ciaran@Vladic Ka @Mr Cardoso@Neofor directing AltisLifeUK in the perfect direction and keeping it alive.

- Gricey (Dan)

Ok! Where should I start? How about my first time connecting to the server...

My first time connecting to the server was back in October, 18th. I downloaded Arma probably two days before starting my adventure here on AltisLifeUK because of a friend recommending it to me. We started off on one of those 10mil start servers (was extremely shit) and was there for probably two hours before I got bored. The next day, I was playing Arma yet again, oblivious to what it holds. I clicked on the friends tab to find "AltisLife.Co.Uk #1 - Auctions | Houses" or something along those lines. Me not knowing about it's Teamspeak server I called a friend through Skype and we started playing...

We spawned in Kavala, I was a mute, always have been (because of IRL anxiety) but this changed quickly. We darted round the streets, making friends and asking for help so we knew where to start and how to do stuff. Us being hobo's we bought our truck licenses and continued to the truck dealership. It was amazing, the biggest thing I have ever seen, it looked like a tank on bike wheels... I had purchased a truck boxer.

Straight after this, we had to make plans. Plans that would get us money, big quick money. After scanning the map a couple of times my friend saw a weed field so we started up our trucks, rev'd the engines and shot off. We were driving at an insane speed, the truck was 0-60 in 10 mins... We reached the weed field, it was empty, alone, surrounded by trees and natural plants. We hadn't a clue how to farm it so we had to ask in side chat: "how do I collect weed?" I asked "press windows key you dumb f*ck!" was the reply. We had filled our trucks, drove to Kavala drug dealer and were ready to be rolling in cash. We got to the drug dealer and it was a church. My friend asked me if we were at the correct destination and I said yes, surely. We saw a well suited man standing at the altar awaiting some people to deal to him. We managed to find out how to sell the weed but it wasn't working... We hadn't processed the stuff.

Back off we go, driving through Kavala to our next destination, the weed processor. As we were arriving, there was space ships there (that's what we thought they were anyway). We swallowed deeply making a thud sound with our throats. It was isolated from civilization, open to it's natural surroundings but far from any populated town. We pulled up, my friend going in first. We luckily had ALL our money on us (we were hobo's so yeah) and purchased the processing license. There was half a dozen of rebels, kitted out with MXM's, Mk18's etc. They were nice people, had some good time with them but the time had come for us to leave the processor, headed Kavala drug dealer.

We arrived at the drug dealer, still no one there. We ran in, sold and shot back out. We had made £325,000 each and were ready to take on the world...

A few weeks on, I was invited to join a gang known as the Kavala Crime Family. They were a bunch of good people, all had knowledge of being a rebel and trained me and my friend. We were with them since October, 28th to November, 22nd. This was a sad day, my friend got banned. Something arose, I found someone that changed my ALUK time for the best @GP 33. Now this guy was a noob like me but we still learnt together, he was my new Arma friend. I still talk to him today, he is an SPC in the Police and CST / GP for the NHS. We left KCF together.

After we had left, we were by our selves for a bit. We came across a lot of good gangs (LCN, LOV, TI) and knew we had to join a new gang. First off though, the day I left KCF I applied for the NHS and got accepted (thank you @TomTheDogefor passing my interview). Me and my new friend applied for LCN... We passed the application process and joined their gang channel. @Eddylanethe babe held our interview and we both passed. We learnt new ways, better more improved ways. Thank you @Fuelfor starting up the gang that got me to where I am today and being with the friends I have now (sorry if I missed anyone): @Rickey@GP 33@Freebz@Ponty@TC Joseph@TC Josh@TC ConorMattt @LordLiam@MGlazzard@TheBlast@LukeN@Jacques Fury@Fused @SGT Darky@Fetty WapMorgan and many more (sorry if I have tagged the wrong person lol).

Now I come to my position on AlitsLifeUK now...

I joined the police force again two days ago and hope to stay until I get to at least SPC or maybe even SGT. I still talk to all my friends on a daily basis and enjoy every second I spend with this community.

People to thank:

   - @Rickeyfor keeping The Company still going, being the founder of a gang that has brought friends together and being a great person in general.

   - @Drewfor being the first Admin to help me when a player kept VDM'ing me in the middle of Kavala.

   - @Fetty Wapfor always being around if I need help.

   - @Wilco@Ciaran@Vladic Ka @Mr Cardoso@Neofor directing AltisLifeUK in the perfect direction and keeping it alive.

- Gricey (Dan)
I love people that that the time to write stuff like this, not because we got tagged, but because we can see how much you care.

I hope you continue having a good time and us, the staff, will do our best to keep your experience very enjoyable! Thanks for the story :)

Gricey! What can we say! Ever since I joined this wonderful place you've been there! From my first day as a hobo/rebel you taught me what it is and means to be a rebel! Even if it included crashing 33's helicopter to ensure it wouldn't be robbed! But even to this day 2 months on, we are still friends and now we are in the Police together I look forward to many more enjoyable moments!

Gricey! What can we say! Ever since I joined this wonderful place you've been there! From my first day as a hobo/rebel you taught me what it is and means to be a rebel! Even if it included crashing 33's helicopter to ensure it wouldn't be robbed! But even to this day 2 months on, we are still friends and now we are in the Police together I look forward to many more enjoyable moments!
When you joined I was also still a hobo (hence making you crash) but at least we have both improved with millions to our name.

@Mr CardosoI would quote that but would take up too much space... It is you guys that deserve the thank. Thank you!

Thanks for the shout out Greasy (had to be done) but well what can I say I helped you out and look where I am now a Member Support who on earth would of ever thought that??! 

Love fetty xoxo

Thanks for the shout out Greasy (had to be done) but well what can I say I helped you out and look where I am now a Member Support who on earth would of ever thought that??! 

Love fetty xoxo
To be quite honest I never had thought. After thinking though you make a good FLT Member :p

Wow, some way. Thanks man, dont want to see you go, hope there are many more memorable moments x

Ok! Where should I start? How about my first time connecting to the server...

My first time connecting to the server was back in October, 18th. I downloaded Arma probably two days before starting my adventure here on AltisLifeUK because of a friend recommending it to me. We started off on one of those 10mil start servers (was extremely shit) and was there for probably two hours before I got bored. The next day, I was playing Arma yet again, oblivious to what it holds. I clicked on the friends tab to find "AltisLife.Co.Uk #1 - Auctions | Houses" or something along those lines. Me not knowing about it's Teamspeak server I called a friend through Skype and we started playing...

We spawned in Kavala, I was a mute, always have been (because of IRL anxiety) but this changed quickly. We darted round the streets, making friends and asking for help so we knew where to start and how to do stuff. Us being hobo's we bought our truck licenses and continued to the truck dealership. It was amazing, the biggest thing I have ever seen, it looked like a tank on bike wheels... I had purchased a truck boxer.

Straight after this, we had to make plans. Plans that would get us money, big quick money. After scanning the map a couple of times my friend saw a weed field so we started up our trucks, rev'd the engines and shot off. We were driving at an insane speed, the truck was 0-60 in 10 mins... We reached the weed field, it was empty, alone, surrounded by trees and natural plants. We hadn't a clue how to farm it so we had to ask in side chat: "how do I collect weed?" I asked "press windows key you dumb f*ck!" was the reply. We had filled our trucks, drove to Kavala drug dealer and were ready to be rolling in cash. We got to the drug dealer and it was a church. My friend asked me if we were at the correct destination and I said yes, surely. We saw a well suited man standing at the altar awaiting some people to deal to him. We managed to find out how to sell the weed but it wasn't working... We hadn't processed the stuff.

Back off we go, driving through Kavala to our next destination, the weed processor. As we were arriving, there was space ships there (that's what we thought they were anyway). We swallowed deeply making a thud sound with our throats. It was isolated from civilization, open to it's natural surroundings but far from any populated town. We pulled up, my friend going in first. We luckily had ALL our money on us (we were hobo's so yeah) and purchased the processing license. There was half a dozen of rebels, kitted out with MXM's, Mk18's etc. They were nice people, had some good time with them but the time had come for us to leave the processor, headed Kavala drug dealer.

We arrived at the drug dealer, still no one there. We ran in, sold and shot back out. We had made £325,000 each and were ready to take on the world...

A few weeks on, I was invited to join a gang known as the Kavala Crime Family. They were a bunch of good people, all had knowledge of being a rebel and trained me and my friend. We were with them since October, 28th to November, 22nd. This was a sad day, my friend got banned. Something arose, I found someone that changed my ALUK time for the best @GP 33. Now this guy was a noob like me but we still learnt together, he was my new Arma friend. I still talk to him today, he is an SPC in the Police and CST / GP for the NHS. We left KCF together.

After we had left, we were by our selves for a bit. We came across a lot of good gangs (LCN, LOV, TI) and knew we had to join a new gang. First off though, the day I left KCF I applied for the NHS and got accepted (thank you @TomTheDogefor passing my interview). Me and my new friend applied for LCN... We passed the application process and joined their gang channel. @Eddylanethe babe held our interview and we both passed. We learnt new ways, better more improved ways. Thank you @Fuelfor starting up the gang that got me to where I am today and being with the friends I have now (sorry if I missed anyone): @Rickey@GP 33@Freebz@Ponty@TC Joseph@TC Josh@TC ConorMattt @LordLiam@MGlazzard@TheBlast@LukeN@Jacques Fury@Fused @SGT Darky@Fetty WapMorgan and many more (sorry if I have tagged the wrong person lol).

Now I come to my position on AlitsLifeUK now...

I joined the police force again two days ago and hope to stay until I get to at least SPC or maybe even SGT. I still talk to all my friends on a daily basis and enjoy every second I spend with this community.

People to thank:

   - @Rickeyfor keeping The Company still going, being the founder of a gang that has brought friends together and being a great person in general.

   - @Drewfor being the first Admin to help me when a player kept VDM'ing me in the middle of Kavala.

   - @Fetty Wapfor always being around if I need help.

   - @Wilco@Ciaran@Vladic Ka @Mr Cardoso@Neofor directing AltisLifeUK in the perfect direction and keeping it alive.

- Gricey (Dan)

Thanks Pal now you are joining the police we can continue our quest to glory on this server! And i will keep making you laugh with my stupid pointless voices. :p

thanks for the fun times so far @Griceyhope you come back from the cops soon but in the mean time have fun tazing hobos. Keep up your voices they're hilarious! :D

After we had left, we were by our selves for a bit. We came across a lot of good gangs (LCN, LOV, TI) and knew we had to join a new gang. First off though, the day I left KCF I applied for the NHS and got accepted (thank you @TomTheDogefor passing my interview). Me and my new friend applied for LCN... We passed the application process and joined their gang channel. @Eddylanethe babe held our interview and we both passed. We learnt new ways, better more improved ways. Thank you @Fuelfor starting up the gang that got me to where I am today and being with the friends I have now (sorry if I missed anyone): @Rickey@GP 33@Freebz@Ponty@TC Joseph@TC Josh@TC ConorMattt @LordLiam@MGlazzard@TheBlast@LukeN@Jacques Fury@Fused @SGT Darky@Fetty WapMorgan and many more (sorry if I have tagged the wrong person lol).

- Gricey (Dan)
I remember when you first joined LCN,

All I can say is you was still very very fresh, you was still new to Altis Life it was apparent too us, but you have turned into a decent member of AltisLife.co.uk and I hope too see great things in your future here.

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Hope we can all keep The Company going and all I can say is Daddy Gricey is love Daddy Gricey is life!

