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how i come to know altis life

CSI Daniel Snow

Well-known member
south west uk bath
my name is daniel snow and this is my story so please take a seat and listen

i used to be a LT in the RAF they called me LT snow i was hot shot figher pilot i felt invincible nothing nor no one could touch me i was young and out to impress i had a small family wife 2 kids and 2 dogs we lived in a nice house out in the contry side but all that changed around 3 year ago me and my wingman was out doing a training mission in frendly skys we was throwing banter around like a normal day when i hear a lound beeeeeeeeeep some one or somthing had a missle lock on and before i could say anything i see out the corner of my eye my wingmans figher explode into fragments so i deploy flares and gun its at max power i pall my joystick back as hard as i can to go veritcal i spin and turn back down to the ground but the missle must have clipped my wing because my right wing was half gone with thick black smoke everywhere i know i had seconds to think before smashing into the ground so i pull my ejector the canopy flys off my body flys out and i see my fighter coverd in fire spinning to the ground i pull my shoot but nothing happend i can see my alt clock ticking down 7000 6000 5000 4000 im pulling on my shoot leaver as hard as i can till i hear a bang my shoot deploys the G force snaps my neck back all i can think is thank god as i slowy head to the ground when i touch down there was no better feeling i look myself over for any wonds i seemed to be fine no pain anywhere and no blood so i undo my belt and just fall to the floor thinking to myself wairt somthing is wrong i cant feel my legs i tryed to move i hit my legs even did a small cut with my knife but i didnt feel a thing a screemed and shouted for what felt like hours i must of passed out because the next think i remeber is being inside a military ambalance with a blury face telling me in going to be ok now 2 year later i was a drunk used up fighter pilot with no feeling from the wast down i just sat there all day everyday with a bottle in my hand and a ciggaret in the other my wife she tryed bless her but in the end she couldnt take it she took the kids and moved to her moms i dont blame her about 6months later i get a call from a doctor in altis he told me he could help me walk again but there could be risked i told the doc i dont care what els do i have to loos the doc sends me the tickest to fly to altis in couch to the cheap basterd when i arrive there is a limo waiting for me i hop inside and meet the doc he remains silent then out of know where a bag over my head and what felt like a needle in my arm they must have drugged me because i wake up 3 months later in a bed in a run down old building with nothing but a note saying we have given u what u asked but we have taken somthing in return i didnt think about it i was just happy i could walk again and now here i am living my life in altis as a salt miner its clean work pay isnt bad but i always have this feeling somone is watching me
