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How do I delete my account


Anonymous Baboon

I wish to delete my account how is the simplest way to go about this?

You wouldn't be able to delete it yourself but I'm sure management can if you ask nicely.

Forums or in game profile? You give no actual details in this post... any reasons?

As far I know we don't delete anything, your account would be disabled.

I just want the forum account deleted, not my in-game account sorry for not specifying this earlier.
I don't believe disabling would suffice. 

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I just want the forum account deleted, not my in-game account sorry for not specifying this earlier.
I don't believe disabling would suffice. 
As I said we don't delete as far as I'm aware

ive requested your account to be disabled

Unfortunately we do not delete forum accounts. We can ban and rename it if you like?

Bit late to the party but yes a Ban and Rename would fit well.

Thank you.

Additionally could I have my posts edited or removed along with the profile changes.

Thank you.

Please Ban and Rename my account

for a reqeust of deletion, You have to send a e-mail to email@roleplay.co.uk

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