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How do i apply for a job at LSAir?


New member
I have never once seen LSAir active when ive been here. And i really wanna work at this spot. But no matter how hard i have tried to find them in the city, i cant find them, and when i try to search for their tweedle, nothing comes up. I am lost with no leads.
step 1 currently is to become staff
step 1 currently is to become staff
this makes me sad.
as someone who is a massive aviation nerd and training PPL, there is nothing more I'd love to do than RP helping people fly with LSair
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this makes me sad.
as someone who is a massive aviation nerd and training PPL, there is nothing more I'd love to do than RP helping people fly with LSair
Watched someone set their QNH yesterday which I found quite cool to then see them take off across all the taxiways and run ways xD
Watched someone set their QNH yesterday which I found quite cool to then see them take off across all the taxiways and run ways xD
Exactly. Its shit like this i wanna do haha. I play ms flight sim all the time.
Is this because of the lack of people in LSAir currently, or is it just a general requirement?
As it's not your usual car dealership, it's not just a car - the impact would be far greater if someone decides to plow into a group of people at Pillbox in an aircraft.
Being able to sell them requires being in staff, as we're trusted to sell them to people we think may NOT cause issues, and follow procedures to train people before we allow them to purchase one etc.
There's a lot more to it, but I'd suggest finding out in RP.

As for not being able to find someone working there, you may just be not asking the right people - or not around at the same time someone's there. ;)
Watched someone set their QNH yesterday which I found quite cool to then see them take off across all the taxiways and run ways xD
I have a StreamDeck full of buttons like like. Avionic checks, QNH set, program frequencies etc - Don't think I took off across taxiways though :ROFLMAO:
As it's not your usual car dealership, it's not just a car - the impact would be far greater if someone decides to plow into a group of people at Pillbox in an aircraft.
Being able to sell them requires being in staff, as we're trusted to sell them to people we think may NOT cause issues, and follow procedures to train people before we allow them to purchase one etc.
There's a lot more to it, but I'd suggest finding out in RP.

As for not being able to find someone working there, you may just be not asking the right people - or not around at the same time someone's there. ;)
Ah ok, thats why i thought there may have been an application process or something similar, similar in a sence to how staff applications work.