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House Scammers

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So as of recently there has been a rise of house scammers, now basically what happens is you pay them and then they run inside of their house and just sit in there, you can't do anything not even police can do anything but ask you to call a solicitor or a judge which in my experience and some others experience hasn't done much to the problem.

I feel like you should be able to at least call the police to be able to either batter and ram the door or ask them to come out otherwise their will be a fine on-top of the money they stole from the person attempting to buy the house.

I feel like the running inside of the house part is super scummy and a lazy way of RP, because in a real life situation you would call the police or kick down that door and demand that money back, I have a few screenshots of the house I was scammed in and I was told by most of the people I spoke with that staff cannot take action on this because technically it's a way of scamming which I am hoping this a suggestion shines light on something that is technically very lazy roleplay and takes no effort and this server is all about "how would you handle the situation?".

It's also a very one way RP situation, which means only a bad outcome for one person and a good outcome for the other, I would also like to mention this server is very much serious-rp, no stupid rp situations which in my opinion this RP situation was very one sided and lazy/stupid.

370k I have lost to this, many others have lost more money than me and I think it needs to be changed, because with cars/trucks you can at least chase them down and demand money back but with this house they just have to enter their house, tab out and watch videos or do something around the house and then come back to no problems.

I will display pictures when I can, I only have them on the server through my phone as of now so I have to wait - but tell me what you think of this!

pretty sure that them running into the house and not coming out to keep the money is powergaming(g1.5)
so get their ID before giving money incase it happens and report that part

the money section can(and depending on the situation) should be done in RP 

@Nikolai See this is the thing I know where they are - but I don't know what to report them as, I know where they live in the city can't an admin go off of that information to do something? Because like this isn't the first time he's done this and he has a gang that help out as of recently as well..

Anonymous Monkey Exactly! I really want to make a petition to get everyone's money back from him scamming.

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@Nikolai See this is the thing I know where they are - but I don't know what to report them as, I know where they live in the city can't an admin go off of that information to do something? Because like this isn't the first time he's done this and he has a gang that help out as of recently as well..
the powergaming part is a admin issue, so just get their ID(needs to be bound) and report them on the forums

There needs to be a safer way to trade vehicles and houses imo
Suggest it
and if people like it they will upvote it

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They should really change the way house trading works because atm it is really broken. Selling the house and then asking the buyer to buy it after the server restart is ridiculous as there's still a slight chance that someone else might end up buying it. 

Suggestion: Instead of selling the house the Owner should be able to PUT HOUSE ON SALE which would then come up in the chat box when the player interacts by pressing E.

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There needs to be a safer way to trade vehicles and houses imo
There are plenty of people who will be middle men, best thing to do is speak to a solicitor and use them when buying or selling something.

Imo it's fine as it is, don't trust someone don't do the deal.

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pretty sure that them running into the house and not coming out to keep the money is powergaming(g1.5)
To me it's clearly comparable to combatlogging, the player is actively making it impossible for the other player to RP by removing themselves from the city on purpose.

To me it's clearly comparable to combatlogging, the player is actively making it impossible for the other player to RP by removing themselves from the city on purpose.
well yes and no
by you going into your house you don't log off(given some people probably do)
but you take that fact that another player can't barge into your house without you letting them in, and in the end making a situation another player can't win, and making your only option in it a win

so yes it could be combat logging in some sense, but it's more in line with powergaming if you read the definition of said rule


[SIZE=medium](G1.5) Powergaming - Forcing a scenario where no matter the roleplay of the other party you will win. Example: Roleplaying superpowers, roleplaying fatal injuries when they were only minor to avoid roleplaying with the emergency services, sealing buildings with cars to prevent entrance of other players, using knowledge of the rules within roleplay..[/SIZE]

i know it doesn't state this specific scenario, but i would say that part falls under common sense

With the exception of the past few weeks where I've got really busy with work, so not been around I've been trying to facilitate real estate sales. I submitted a proposal in April for better housing that would work around a business (like car dealerships). It was generally accepted to be worked on, but the concept would require development and no ETA for this.

It's a clunky system yes. Having to take your items out, vehicles out before you can sell a house.. which is needed before you can buy a new one, but then risk the house you want to buy being bought by someone else isn't ideal. But I know there are plans to want to improve this, amongst the many things devs want to do.

As previously stated - a middleman can stop you being scammed. This could be any trusted individual, be it solicitor, car dealer or otherwise. I'm mindful that selling/buying a house is something that has some urgency so getting one promptly can be difficult though. 

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