No, you have to go house hunting in Kavala, Agios, Athira or all the other smaller towns in the island. Or, you can go on Altis Estate Agents and search for your dream house and put a bid up for it, however, be careful you don't bid too high or you will have a big hole in your bank account!
Remember, buy a home owners license and walk up to a house, and press windows on it, don't be afraid to press 'buy house'. It won't buy the house instantly, it just checks if it is available and nobody else has already purchased it. Good luck and I hope you find a good home to settle down in and possibly store your goodies in
It's really easy, of you have the home owners licence then simply try and walk inside a house and press the windows key and press buy house. It will then tell you if you can buy the house and how much. If the doors are locked it means the house Is already owned but sometimes doors are unlocked even tho the house is owned.