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House + Garage near Salt Mine + MM

Ed Frost

Well-known member
Hey there guys,

So I need a house and garage preferably between MM and the Salt Mine or just somewhere near that. Doesn't need to be fancy, as I'm not looking to spend too much.

Does anyone have any estimates on price for something like this?



I have a house a few hundered meters from the salt mine. Its the closest one to it. Not sure about garage though. Ill get an ss soon. How much you looking to pay though.

Hope the MM base will not be used for your own personal use! unless you pay our Marmite tax of course..

I have a house a few hundered meters from the salt mine. Its the closest one to it. Not sure about garage though. Ill get an ss soon. How much you looking to pay though.
I really have no idea how much houses go for so name a price and we'll see if I can even afford it!

Hope the MM base will not be used for your own personal use! unless you pay our Marmite tax of course..
I always pay Marmite tax... :)  
