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Hop on squad !!

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Sir Declan

Well-known member
I honestly never thought i would have to write a post like this but it's becoming beyond a joke now.​

This famous word " Hop ON Squad ". Everyone knows what it is so no need in explaining what it is.​

Every HM that happens you will get the "Hop on Squad " this little friendship group of cops that all magically happen to just coincidentally all hope on at the time and at the same time  HM is going on.  This is not  a report so am not gonna list names because i don't wanna start any drama or animosity.​

It's always the same case, you kill all the cops on the server at the time. Then Hop On squad get geared up with hunters, mk1s and full gear then come and rush you. It always happens and it's so annoying. I am only writing this because it's not only me that sees this a problem, a lot of the community feel the same way about it. Something needs to change about this because it takes the fun away from playing the server when there is a squad of people that come and always shut you down. We know its meta and getting told over ts or steam or some form of networking outside of the game but we can't prove it so it's hard to crack down on it.​

I feel like between us all we can both cater for the rebels wants and the polices wants. Maybe up the amount of cops that have to be on so it's not massively out numbered. There is a way we can create a rule to stop this happening that makes the cops and the rebels happy.​


Someone will say because the rebels always outnumber the cops so it's fair for them to hop on but it's not always like that. Most of the time it's kinda even numbers and then hop on squad jump in and then outnumber the rebels.​

Most of the cops don't see this as a problem but a lot of rebels do.​

This is not to cause drama, i just feel like between us we can make a rule to accommodate for both sides.​
This was recently brought up in a report. We have implemented a rule to combat this from EVERY angle:

(4.7) Using out of game communications to encourage other players to log on and sway the result of an event or roleplay situation is forbidden. Similarly, joining the server using metagamed information is forbidden. (Punishment is a ban)

See people doing it? Got proof? Report it.

For reference to the report; 

Addition: The only place this is going to go is bad. Therefore, 


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