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Hi, just a question.


Well-known member
If someone where to call me "A terrorist peace of cunt" is that a reason to pull the trigger ? 

Just wondering so i know if i can shoot everyone who sais stupid things.

Role play it, don't just shoot him because of that. Ask him what he called you, why he thinks that, tell him to get on the ground, restrain him, play him as a hostage, if he doesn't comply, warn him that if he fails to co operate he will be shot, if he still refuses then shoot him.

Valuing life also means cooperation, a bullet travels faster than a man, he should understand if he runs, you'll gun him down like a dog, he should then value his life enough not to run away.

Just wondering becouse of 

This is not a report in enyways or something like that. i just want to know how you guys would rp a senario like this couse i know i would have done it different. i was playing with my freinds who was new to the server and when ppl are doing bad rp like this they learn the new ppl that shit like this is okey when its not.

(sry about all the swedish bullshit in the backround ^^ )

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Actually, the garages are a bit out of the greenzone. Currently only the car shop and the casino is green zones i believe.
Actually no.


Just wondering becouse of 

This is not a report in enyways or something like that. i just want to know how you guys would rp a senario like this couse i know i would have done it different. i was playing with my freinds who was new to the server and when ppl are doing bad rp like this they learn the new ppl that shit like this is okey when its not.

(sry about all the swedish bullshit in the backround ^^ )
If he doesn't get banned for that, I guess he'll never be banned !

Wasn't the garage safehouse implemented in 5.0? If so, he wasn't shot in a greenzone, as you can see there is no bar for his bounty showing, so this was recorded in an earlier version than 5.0 without garage safezone. Just throwing it out there, playa.

Wasn't the garage safehouse implemented in 5.0? If so, he wasn't shot in a greenzone, as you can see there is no bar for his bounty showing, so this was recorded in an earlier version than 5.0 without garage safezone. Just throwing it out there, playa.
Thats what I mean.

Wasn't the garage safehouse implemented in 5.0? If so, he wasn't shot in a greenzone, as you can see there is no bar for his bounty showing, so this was recorded in an earlier version than 5.0 without garage safezone. Just throwing it out there, playa.
There's also no [sPEAKING] thing above the heads so it's gotta be before 5.0
Nice catches guys,the area was the first thing that struck me with current rules. Now back on track to the original question,if it is roleplayed out then yes similar to what emigrates said. Using restraints and taking them hostage is optional and in every possible situation talk to people before you kill them.

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