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Roleplay UK

Join the UK's biggest roleplay community on FiveM and experience endless new roleplay opportunities!

Hi everyone

Hello and welcome! I hope you enjoy your stay.

The most important thing to note is that we enforce our rules very strictly in order to maintain a high level of roleplay. You can find them here: https://www.roleplay.co.uk/rules/

If you are unsure on how to get started, cast your eyes to the stickied "beginners guide" style posts on the AltisLife forum found here: https://www.roleplay.co.uk/forum/21-altis-life/ a personal favourite of mine (due to it including sections from a number of the guides) would be:

Any other questions, join the support room at the top of our TeamSpeak server and a member of our support team such as myself will come and assist.

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Heyyy welcome to RPUK!, Hopefully you'll have a good time on altis.

The only "chill" you'll have around me is gonna be the chill down your spine >:D

Im kidding, I'm a nice guy

Hit me up if you have a problem that you think i can solve... I probably can't but you can always try

you here? nolifer
