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Hemmt with iron ingots (Completed 22/11/2014)

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Sirius Bandshee

Active member
In-game name: Sirius

Your player ID (copy from your arma 3 profile): (76561198152393522)
What was lost:
A Hemmt Box Truck, with a cargo of 169 iron ingots.
Value of item/money lost:
500k+550k=£1,050,000 in total

Quick description of what happened: At 3am, a player named sismo and mrbeam RDMed me instantly when i was just arriving back to my hemmt truck that was left by me after having my client crash without warning(just a few metres from the western gun store outside kavala), leaving my offroader close by, i went to go inspect my truck to make sure it was mine with my 169 iron ingots, next thing i know i am instantly killed by sismo holding a .45 calibur firearm, taking my truck, he took it to the scrap yard and scrap it....i dont have any screenshots or evidance but you can check your logs for that cant you? if not then iv wasted pretty much 1.5+ hours of game play to just have my hemtt with 169 iron ingots scraped.....also sismo was accounted for multiable RDMings also with mrbean

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Sismo was banned last night shortly after you were RDM'd because i was on and read the side chat of people constantly getting killed by him, i believe he was watched because shortly after he was banned wilco came on

bigboy101 said:
It's not good without proof my dude, but for future instances i do highly suggest Nvidia experience for the "Shadowplay" function, .. Coming from just another player :)
Just a heads up i tried it today and it doesnt work with nothing below a series 6 nvidea graphics card.. my 570 wouldnt cut it :'( lol

ended up with fraps but i can recommend

 https://mirillis.com/en/downloads/downloads_action.html <------ free 30 day trial and seems real good quality..

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