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Hemmet Full of gear lost - (Re-Opened)

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Well-known member
In-game name: Orc

Your player ID (copy from your arma 3 profile): 76561198098723255

What was lost: Hemmet box of weapons/clothes and my precious one and a half hours of time.

What happend?: Me and Gourvo had come home from a nice day shopping at blackmarket and all of a sudden an unscheduled restart (8:24pm) happened which caused me to loose my hemmet and gear and Gourvo to loose his hemmet full of gear.

Value of item/money lost: 3.5m (Many clothes, guns,silencers e.t.c.)


This was a different restart and no admin messages were given.

I spoke to Ciaran on TeamSpeak and he said the 8pm restart bugged and I would be able to get comped.

I shall speak to ciaran but I do remember this vaguely please contact me I game or on teamspeak to sort this.


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