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Hemet, Weapons, Rebel gear, Drugs (Completed)

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Well-known member
In-game name: Olle-Theodor

Your player ID (copy from your arma 3 profile): 76561198026933410

What was lost: I lost my Hemet box with 150 or something unprocessed heroin. 

Value of item/money lost: 500k thats the half price what It's half the price of what I would earn if we had gone to heroin processing. And i also had full rebell gear with a expensive weapon. 

Quick description of what happened: I pickt my friend up and we was on the way to the heroin processing. But a random civillian came up in his car and started to go after me then he just drived into me and we exploded. He sayd that he dident see us but he was after us for like 1 min.

Sorry for bad english.

The drugs won't be compensated, they never do (unless you lose it because of a unscheduled restart.) The reason for this is that it would make people write comp requests all the time + you had the drugs on you, but even if this situation didn't happen you might still be caught or robbed or legit killed on the way to selling it.

Your gear most likely will be compensated as usual, if the request is approved.

Okey i just had gear for like 100k or something. But still i got so mad when that dude crasht into my car. 

Thanks for the info


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