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help me understand the following


New member
Hi all

So I've been playing on your server a few days now and I'm really loving it. There's a good mix of situations and so far I've been helped alot more than I've been robbed. I have a few questions that I've found difficult to search answers for:

1. Will my items/vehicles carry over between servers 1&2

2.Is one server more bandit prone to the other?

3.if my vehicle breaks down and I leave the area and log out later is it transferred to my garage?

4.what's the advantages of using teamspeak and should I be using it?

5. If I join your teamspeak server which lobby should I be listening to.

6. I use direct chat in game but after I press and hold down direct chat key. Group channel flicks up in corner. Can I be heard by everyone in this case?as I know that's not cool.

7. when I type in side chat my dialogue is greyed out. What does that mean as no one ever replys.

8. If I fill my trunk up and my backpack is there a quick way to process materials without switching items back and forth to make space for processed goods.

9.apart from protection is there a good reason to have a buddy when on a legal run?

10.if I locked picked a car that was abandoned/damaged. If I park it in garage is it now mine?

11. Can people rob only cash from you or can they take ur items aswell.

12. If I buy a gun for protection and die will I lose my gun?

13. Where's the frog leg place on the map? I can't see it anywhere!

Hope this is in the correct section. Few random questions and I'm sure there's answers somewhere but I'd like to here the answers for this specific server.

Thanks for your time

I am also new, but I will answer a few.

9. You will be safer from robberies, and you can get through the run quicker because you will have another person to help gather, process and sell the goods.

12. You will lose everything on you other than your licenses.

13. You cololect them in the swamps in east Altis, and you sell them at a place with a name regarding a restaurant. (Not sure of the exact name)

I hope this helped a little.

1. Yes

2. Nope they are the same

3. After restart yes

4. You can talk to new people and join in on events and even get help on there in the help channel.

5. Any open and available one (excluding help channel, only join if help is needed)

6. I will explain all chats to you, Direct - everyone around u can hear you, Side - People on your side / team can hear example Civ is a side and Bluefor is a side, so if cops use side only cops will see it, if civ uses side only civs can see it. Global - All side can see / hear. Group - Those in your group or gang can hear / see and finally vehicle - people in the vehicle can see / hear.

7. I have no idea, I think its meant to be like that.

8. I don't understand this question fully, i think u mean is there a way to take unprocessed stuff out a vehicle without switching around item in which the answer is no u have to do it manually.

9. Yes people are less likely to attack you if there are more of you.

10. Nope u cannot store other peoples vehicles.

11. They can rob cash but not gear unless they tell you to drop it.

12. Yes ( If money is tight I recommend donating, everything is way cheaper)

13. You have to go to the frog swamp near paros I believe.

Have fun :) if you have any other questions I recommend going onto the ts and speaking to a Mentor in the help channels.

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